
Hex 64/128 key generation

  • Michael Smith

    Michael Smith - 2005-11-18

    Having setup a wireless home network I've secured it with WPA-PSK which while better than nothing I would prefer to be able to create a hex key for WEP. Would it be too diificult to implement a feature such as this?


    • Rony Shapiro

      Rony Shapiro - 2005-11-19

      Er, you can do this already.

      When creating a new entry, check the "Override Policy" checkbox before pressing the "Generate" button.
      Now, when you press the "Generate" button, the password policy dialog box will appear. Uncheck all boxes and then select "Use hexadecimal digits only" and specify the number of digits you want via "Default password length".

      Hope this helps.


    • Vincent de Lau

      Vincent de Lau - 2005-11-21

      Maybe add a profile function that allows you to quickly set the options to the required settings?

      Default profiles could then be added to do:
      - Standard pin (4 numbers)
      - Secure password (8 upper/lower/digit/special)
      - Simple password (8 lowercase alphanum only)
      - WPA-PSK 64bit (13 hex)
      - WPA-PSK 128bit (26 hex)

      and this list should be editable by the user.

      • Michael Smith

        Michael Smith - 2005-11-21

        Boy do I feel like a goof. Having you point it out I was able to locate it. It was grayed out until after I unselected the other options so it did not jump out at me.

        Thanks for the help.


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