
Password Safe 3.39.1 not working with Wine on Linux

  • Cor Speelman

    Cor Speelman - 2016-08-07

    I have a Linux system on which I am using the Windows version of Password Safe in combination with Wine. Pwsafe 3.38.2 and earlier versions were working fine on this system, but pwsafe 3.39.1 does not open the password database. Error message that I get: "File or path not found".

    Linux version is Lubuntu 14.04LTS and Wine version is Wine 1.6.2. The password database resides on a Windows network share.

    After reverting to pwsafe 3.38.2 everything is working again.


    Last edit: Cor Speelman 2016-08-07
    • Peter Hillier-Brook

      On 07/08/16 10:33, Cor Speelman wrote:

      I have a Linux system on which I am using the Windows version of
      Password Safe in combination with Wine.
      Pwsafe 3.38.2 and earlier versions were working fine on this system, but
      pwsafe 3.39.1 does not open the password database. Error message that I
      get: "File or path not found".

      Linux version is Lubuntu 14.04LTS and Wine version is Wine 1.6.2. The
      password database resides on a Windows network share.

      After reverting to pwsafe 3.38.2 everything is working again.

      I discovered by experiment that you need to use the XP variant of 3.39.1
      with Wine. It works just fine.

      • Cor Speelman

        Cor Speelman - 2016-08-07

        Thanks for your reply. Under password safe downloads on sourceforge ( ) I can find an XP variant of version 3.39.0 but not of version 3.39.1.

        I think that for the time being I will stay with version 3.38.2. Hopefully the issue will be resolved in a future version of Password Safe.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2016-08-08

    The only difference between 3.39.0 & 3.39.1 is that the non-English language DLLs are now correct in 3.39.1. There was no change to the application itself and so an XP version of 3.39.1 was not generated.

    Note: I believe that this is a Wine issue. V3.39 is the first to be built with VS2015 - the current Microsoft version of Visual Studio. Given that Microsoft no longer support XP, XP versions of PasswordSafe may not be generated for future releases as there is an opportunity to support extra features of the later releases of Windows that can't work in XP.

    • Cor Speelman

      Cor Speelman - 2016-08-08

      I tried the XP variant of Paswword Safe 3.39.0 and can confirm that this version works under Wine 1.6.2 on Lubuntu 14.04.

  • DrK

    DrK - 2016-08-10

    I am neither a Linux nor WIne user but I notice that the current version of Wine is 1.8.3. Maybe that supports the latest non-XP build when 1.6.2 that you have doesn't?

    • Cor Speelman

      Cor Speelman - 2016-08-13

      Tanks for the tip. The default software repository for Lubuntu 14.04 does not offer an update for Wine. But I managed to update Wine to version 1.8.0 from an alternative software repository.

      I can confirm that the latest (non XP) version of Password Safe (3.39.1) is working fine under Wine 1.8.0.


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