
#930 Virtual keyboard doesn't work on Debian Linux

Next release
Linux (119)

Clicking the launcher of the virtual keyboard doesn't show the virtual keyboard. I think that xvkbd should be added as a dependency.


  • Saurav Ghosh

    Saurav Ghosh - 2010-12-14

    We do launch xvkbd on clicking the virtual keyboard button. Is it not launching for you? We also show an error message if we couldn't launch it?

    This functionality was missing in a few places (changing combination of an existing safe, setting up a new safe, opening an existing safe from File menu). I have added it (in the trunk). Should be available in the next release.

    But in all other places, it should work for you.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-14

    My points was that xvkbd is not a dependency to install passwordsafe and I thought that it was a bug, but it's true that is not indispensable.

  • Saurav Ghosh

    Saurav Ghosh - 2010-12-15

    Rony - what do you want to do about this?

    I would rather not add a dependency, because xvkbd depends on a lot of other libs. Who knows what is installed by default on each platform.

    But we can add it as a "recommended" dependency, I guess.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-12-17

    I think that adding xvkbd as a "recommend" dependency is a good idea.

  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-06-12
    • status: open --> pending
    • Group: --> Next release
  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-06-12

    Additional dependency was added to cmake configuration with commit [d0b439].
    Check for virtual keyboard (xvkbd) was added with commit [77325b].

  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-09-24
    • status: pending --> closed
  • rafaelx

    rafaelx - 2018-09-24

    Released with 1.06BETA


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