
#1129 Incorrectly parsing Notes column during import from plain text.



When a user imports a plain text file (File > Import From > Plain Text...) any columns after the "Notes" column is regarded as part of the "Notes" column. This leads to too-few-columns errors when a file is imported where the Notes column is not the last one.


The following tab-delimited file will import successfully:

# successful-test.txt
Group/Title     Username     Password        URL          Notes
MyAccount       myusername   stringvest  "Maiden name = doris"

The following will not

# unsuccessful-test.txt
Group/Title     Username        Password        Notes                  URL
MyAccount       myusername      stringvest      "Maiden name = doris"

It will produce the following report

Report of Import_Text function started at xxxx/xx/xx
on database /home/foo/passwords.psafe3

Start Report

Text file being imported: /home/foo/unsuccessful-test.txt

Found 5 known column headers:
The following columns will be processed:  Group/Title, Username, Password, URL, Notes,

Line 1 skipped - Only 4 fields found, whereas parsing the Header says there should be 5.

Imported 0 entries

Skipped 1 entry

End Report

This is because it treated the URL column as part of the Notes column when Notes precedes URL.

Expected Result

I expect the URL column to be recognised as separate from the Notes column in the second example because the Notes column is surrounded by quotation marks and delimited by a tab.

Versions Affected

PasswordSafe (linux) v0.92 (local) beta


  • Saurav Ghosh

    Saurav Ghosh - 2013-11-19

    Just curious: how did you get the URL column to appear after the Notes column?

    The code is such that it assumes Notes is the final column. While exporting as plain-text, pwsafe always writes Notes as the last column. Probably because there are some other complications associated with parsing exported Notes, e.g. they can span multiple lines, etc...

  • Chris Wood

    Chris Wood - 2023-08-25

    I'm experiencing this problem, so it's still around.

    Just to answer this question: why should this be at all strange? The data to be imported will have come from some other product, so the columns could be in any order. I've found little or no information about what Password Safe expects in a CSV file to be imported.


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