
#1082 Last modified and password modified time not shown after creation

Mitch Ames

In Password Safe v3.30 (on Windows 7 64-bit), if I create a new entry, in Flattened List view, the Last Modified and Password Modified fields show N/A, whereas it would be more useful if they showed the creation date/time (ie entry creation is treated as a "modification"). Eg I might want to sort by Password Modified time to find all the passwords that have not been changed recently, but I this doesn't work if the password has only been created the first time and not modified.

Likewise the "password last changed" and "other value last changed" on the Dates and Times page of the Edit Entry dialog should show the creation time if there have been no changes since creation. (Ie show the same date/time as the flat list.)

This appears to be re-occurrence of a bug that I first reported in v3.28 on 2012-03-23 as #657 "Last Modified, Password Modified should be set on creation". ( It was fixed in v3.29, but appears to have been broken again in 3.30

(See also:


  • Mitch Ames

    Mitch Ames - 2013-05-15

    Not fixed in 3.31 ... (sigh)

  • Mitch Ames

    Mitch Ames - 2015-01-05

    This bug still appears in v3.35 - has it been forgotten, or is likely to be fixed?
    Incidentally, flat list view in v3.34 and v3.35 appear to sort correctly by password modified or last modified - but they don't show the date/time, only NA.

  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2015-09-14
    • status: open --> pending
  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2015-09-14

    Fixed in commit ca6dd0b - will be in next release.

  • Mitch Ames

    Mitch Ames - 2015-09-14


  • Rony Shapiro

    Rony Shapiro - 2015-10-07
    • Status: pending --> closed

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