
passwdd / News: Recent posts

passwdd 0.11pl2 released

The console client files are renamed to prevent shadow utilities conflict, a small fix to compile on RedHat 7.0. Binary RPM packages are available now.

Posted by Alexander Feldman 2001-03-10

the website is updated

A new documentation section is added to the web site of passwdd.

Posted by Alexander Feldman 2001-03-09

passwdd project resurrected

After a long break the passwdd-0.11pl1 release is ready. This is the first version after the project had been moved to sourceforge. There are a lot of exciting new ideas like - syncing password data for serveral users on a host, support of apache, samba and other password files, etc.
The passwdd projcet needs help, as well. If you can contribute code, ideas, fixes or if you can help with the documentation - do not hesitate to drop a mail. Localization for support of other languages than english is needed.
Preparation of binary packages is in the wish list.

Posted by Alexander Feldman 2001-03-04