
#52 Define Graphviz path



It would be nice if PasDoc allowed to specify the Graphviz path via command line.

Thank you.


  • Michalis Kamburelis

    Not sure what you mean here. The command-line pasdoc does not call Graphviz programs at all, instead you have to call "dot" program yourself.

    pasdoc --link-gv-classes jpg --graphviz-classes brookhttpclient.pas
    dot -Grankdir=LR -T jpg  > GVClasses.jpg

    See .

    How the "dot" program is searched depends on your shell, in normal situations it looks at your $PATH environment variable. Anyway, it's something outside of pasdoc.

    Do you maybe mean that you would like pasdoc to call "dot" automatically? We could probably add options like "--auto-graphviz-classes" and "--auto-graphviz-uses" that call "dot" automatically for you, by default searching it on $PATH but optionally using the path provided by option like "--graphviz-path".

  • Michalis Kamburelis

    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: Michalis Kamburelis
    • milestone: -->
  • Pavel Vassiliev

    Pavel Vassiliev - 2013-02-28

    I'm trying to generate a system help for GLScene project using PasDoc and had some extra symbols there. You may look at GLSceneSys.chm in repository  
    Would you be so kind to prompt me  how to exclude symbols like :,

    , and  make bold and itallic indentations from commentaries in pas codes to get more appropriate final help from PasDoc.

    Thanks in advance

    Pavel Vassiliev

    • Michalis Kamburelis

      @Pavel: For asking new questions about PasDoc, please subscribe to the pasdoc-main mailing list and ask your questions by sending email to , see . Or submit new bug report or new feature request, when necessary, of course. Do not add your questions to the existing unrelated ticket --- here you added your question to the "#52 Define Graphviz path" ticket which doesn't relate to your question.

      Would you be so kind to prompt me how to exclude symbols like :,

      Where do you see the :, symbols that you want to exclude? I downloaded GLSceneSys.chm from and it looks Ok for me (I used chmsee and kchmviewer under Linux to view it). Where do you see the extraneous characters like ":" or "," ?

      (Please, reply to this by sending email to pasdoc-main mailing list.)

      Aside from this, note that you use a little old version of PasDoc (0.11.0) for GLSceneSys.chm. We have 0.12.1 released (downloads ), and the really fresh versions are on . If you encounter any trouble, please remember to upgrade :)

      make bold and itallic indentations from commentaries in pas codes to get more appropriate final help from PasDoc.

      You can use @bold and @italic to make the text bold/italic, see . See for the full list of @-tags, you can do a lot of formatting using them (like lists, tables etc.).

      Also: if you use three slashes to start a comment, this marks a "Help Insight" comment, where a subset of HTML-like tags are allowed. This allows to use <b> or <i>, just like in HTML, to get bold/italic. See . The @bold and @italic are more adviced than <b> and <i> (mainly because @-tags have a solid implementation, while Help Insight <tags> are a little hacky --- they are handled by fragile regular expressions). But I mention this, as GLScene sources have a lot of HTML-like tags in comments, as far as I see.


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