
#142 no parcelliterc ?


Since the latest manjaro update, including xfce 4.12, parcellite only opened fullscreen and could only be closed by either selecting an item or hitting <Esc>.
After realizing that my directory ~/.config/parcellite/ is empty I removed the package, deleted the directory and then reinstalling parcellite. Now the empty directory was created again.


  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-03-15

    The closing you describe is normal. Try selecting a preference and closing the preference dialog. Your rc file should be there. Also, what is your screen resolution?

    In the preferences dialog, there is a place set the width of the history. Please try changing that. What version of parcellite?

  • bernhard

    bernhard - 2015-03-16

    Thank you for your reply! Yes the closing behavior is normal, I know. What I meant to say is that Parcellite leaves so space outside the window to do anything else ;) I am using version 1.1.9-1 and it was working fine until the latest manjaro update. Unfortunately I have no idea why this is related. My screen resolution is 1366x768. I have again reinstalled it. There is no parcelliterc. Changing the length of history has no effect. Next time I open the preferences it is set back to 25.


    Last edit: bernhard 2015-03-16
  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-04-02

    I need to make sure we are talking about the same things.
    Preferences->Display->Character length of items
    Sets the width
    Preferences->Display->Items in history
    Sets the length

    See if you can touch

    Perhaps there is a permissions issue?

    Also try closing Parcellite (Quit), then run it from the command (parcellite &) line and see if you have any prints.

  • bernhard

    bernhard - 2015-04-02

    Thank you, rickyrockrat!
    As I said before: My ~/.config/parcellite/ is completely empty!
    Any changes of preferences are ignored.
    Running parcellite from the terminal gives me this:

    Looking in '/etc/xdg/parcellite/parcelliterc'
    which: no xdotool in (/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/home/bernhard/scripts:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl)
    Flag 0x0001, status 256, EXIT 1 STAT 1
    Looking in '/etc/xdg/parcellite/parcelliterc'


    Last edit: bernhard 2015-04-02
  • bernhard

    bernhard - 2015-04-02

    The directory /etc/xdg/parcellite/ does not exist either btw ...

  • bernhard

    bernhard - 2015-04-02

    I have installed xdotool now. So this error message is gone,
    Apart from that nothing has changed and I still get:

    Looking in '/etc/xdg/parcellite/parcelliterc'
    Flag 0x0001, status 0, EXIT 1 STAT 0

  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-04-04

    How about this command?
    touch ~/.config/parcellite/x
    ls ~/.config/parcellite
    And this one:
    ls /usr/lib/gtk-*

    • bernhard

      bernhard - 2015-04-05

      touch ~/.config/parcellite/x
      gives me no output and creates file x
      ls ~/.config/parcellite
      of course gives the output: x
      and then:
      ls /usr/lib/gtk-
      2.10.0/ include/ modules/
      3.0.0/ modules/
      gapi_codegen.exe gapi-fixup.exe gapi-parser.exe*

  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-04-05

    I'm officially stumped. I tend to suspect the update.

    I am also running gtk-2.0/2.10.0. Assuming the 'touch x' was run with the same user as parcellite, you shouldn't have permission issues.

    Can you check out the source, change a couple files, build and test?
    in utils.c, you can un-comment out the #define DMTRACE, and in parcellite.h, uncomment DEBUG_UPDATE and DEBUG.

    The most important one being DEBUG_UPDATE, then enable the debug_update in preferences. If that won't update for some reason, then in line 2338 in main, just set debug_update=1.

  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-08-27

    Not seeing any activity on this, so I'll close it shortly.

  • rickyrockrat

    rickyrockrat - 2015-08-27
    • status: open --> pending-out-of-date

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