
"Error Opening Scriptfile"...

  • eflum

    eflum - 2007-05-29

    "Could Not Load Scriptfile"

    I am trying to do a simple stitching of two JPEGs.  I have set 4 control points.  I go to Project->Optimizer, and then Project->Stitcher.  When I execute the Stitcher, I get the aforementioned errors.  Here is my script file from Prject->View Script below.  Am I missing something?:

    p f2 w6610 h3305 v360 u10  n"JPEG"

    i f0 w1000 h667 y0 p0 r0  v54.4322 n"pano1.jpg"  X0 Y0 Z0
    i f0 w1000 h667 y180 p0 r0  v=0 n"pano2.jpg"  X1 Y0 Z0
    v v0
    v y1 p1 r1
    c n0 N1 x949 y547 X180 Y549
    c n0 N1 x874 y432 X104 Y434
    c n0 N1 x882 y293 X112 Y296
    c n0 N1 x846 y167 X76 Y170


    # ====================================================================
    # Output  generated by Panorama Tools

    # 50002 function evalutations
    # number of calls to fcn has reached or exceeded 200*(n+1)

    # Panorama description
    # p f2 w6610 h3305 v360 n"JPEG"

    # Parameters for Each Input Image:
    # (*) - optimized         (p) - preset

    # Image No 0:
    # Yaw:    0 deg (p)    Pitch:    0 deg (p)
    # Roll:    0 deg (p)    HFov:    44.7139 deg (*)
    # Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (p); b   0.000000 (p); c   0.000000 (p)
    # Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
    # Command for Panorama Creation:
    o f0 r0 p0 y0 v44.7139 u10 -buf

    # Image No 1:
    # Yaw:    35.1104 deg (*)    Pitch:    0.166011 deg (*)
    # Roll:    0.177079 deg (*)    HFov:    44.7139 deg (*)
    # Polynomial Coefficients: a   0.000000 (p); b   0.000000 (p); c   0.000000 (p)
    # Horizontal Shift: 0.000000 (p)   Vertical Shift:  0.000000 (p)
    # Command for Panorama Creation:
    o f0 r0.177079 p0.166011 y35.1104 v44.7139 u10 +buf

    # ====================================================================
    # Control Points: Distance between desired and fitted Position (in Pixels)

    # Control Point No 0:  3.3765
    # Control Point No 1:  2.78193
    # Control Point No 2:  1.49762
    # Control Point No 3:  0.93211
    C i0  x3677.08 y1824.14 X3677.73 Y1825.7
    C i1  x3678.39 y1827.26 X3677.73 Y1825.7
    C i0  x3618.88 y1733.71 X3618.49 Y1732.37
    C i1  x3618.1 y1731.04 X3618.49 Y1732.37
    C i0  x3625.19 y1618.99 X3624.9 Y1618.3
    C i1  x3624.61 y1617.61 X3624.9 Y1618.3
    C i0  x3596.6 y1514.64 X3596.69 Y1515.1
    C i1  x3596.77 y1515.55 X3596.69 Y1515.1

    • Bruno Postle

      Bruno Postle - 2007-05-29

      What GUI software are you using?

    • eflum

      eflum - 2007-05-29

      I am using PTPicker.  The example works fine.  Just when I create my own project, I get the error.

      • Bruno Postle

        Bruno Postle - 2007-05-29

        ptpicker is a bit flakey, try putting the images, the scriptfile and ptpicker itself in the same directory.

        • eflum

          eflum - 2007-05-29

          I tried that.  So I have my two jpeg files, project (scriptfile), and ptpicker.  When I invoke ptpicker and open 'project', it just closes.  Is the fact I'm running in Windows XP an issue?  Also, I notice when I create a new project I have a preference file that is created.  With the example, there is no preference file.

    • eflum

      eflum - 2007-05-29

      Ok, looks like the project file needs to be a .txt extension.  Now it's working.  Thanks for the help Bruno!


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