
Pandora FMS 5.0 SP2 released

SP2 for 5.0 series is a minor release for bug fixes, it includes several fixes in console and some fixes for server:

Console issues

Fixed string simple values in visual console for bug #463.
Fixed WMI components form fails due to bad javascript code for bug #462.
Improvement of the usability on the mobile console for tablet devices.
Added criticity subquery to events grouped query to fix bad criticity bug #406.
Disable controls from the google maps in GIS to fix arrows controls.
Fix styles in group view for groups without states where letters were not visible, Bug #432.
API: fixed the get events filtered by group.
Mobile: Fixed a bug loading events filtering by group when a group has no events.
Several fixes in mobile network map.
Fixed a problem withmodule graph filter regarding to event and period filter.
API: Fixed the get events when not found theagent, before it returned the systems events, now it returns an empty list.
Fixed sql error in tag tab in Treeview and other minor fixes.
Corrected agent counting by module group.
Fixed that some multibyte charactersare recognized as invalid characters on module creation.
Insert Data extension, now uses UTF-8 for output XML encoding.

Server issues

Fixed a possible regexp evaluation issue in pandora_delete_module_from_conf().
Fix server crash when try to export an agent with "/" character on name for
incident #413.

Posted by Sancho Lerena 2013-12-27 Labels: 5.0

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