
Pandora FMS: Flexible Monitoring System / News: Recent posts

Why business continuity belongs in the cloud?

Resilience in today's liquid business environment demands flexibility. The
term "observability" replaces monitoring, reflecting the need to adapt and be
agile in the face of challenges. The key is to dissolve operations into the
cloud, integrating tools and operational expertise for effective resilience. I
remember that when I started my professional career (in a bank) […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-05-08

How to update your PC BIOS

Content: Introduction Accessing the BIOS from Windows Alternatives to using
the Windows 10 and 11 method What does UEFI stand for? When should you update
your BIOS? How to update your BIOS BIOS Update Considerations Every computer
has its BIOS, short for Basic Input/Output System), which is a firmware
installed on the PC's motherboard. Through […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-04-11

XZ Vulnerability

You drink tap water every day, right? Do you know who invented the filtering
mechanism that makes water pure and clean?… Well, do you actually care? Do you
know that this mechanism is exactly the same in all the taps of all the houses
of any country? Do you know that this specialized piece is […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-04-01

Vulnerability XZ

You drink tap water every day, don't you? Do you know who invented the
filtering mechanism that makes your water pure and clean… well, do you really
care? Do you know that this mechanism is exactly the same in every faucet in
every house in every country, do you know that this specialized part is […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-04-01

What is alert fatigue and its effect on IT monitoring?

Talking about too many cybersecurity alerts is not talking about the story of
Peter and the Wolf and how people end up ignoring false warnings, but about
its great impact on security strategies and, above all, on the stress it
causes to IT teams, which we know are increasingly reduced and must fulfill
multiple tasks […]

La entrada What is alert fatigue and its effect on IT
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-03-26

NoSQL Databases: The ultimate Guide

Today, many companies generate and store huge amounts of data. To give you an
idea, decades ago, the size of the Internet was measured in Terabytes (TB)
and now it is measured in Zettabytes (ZB). Relational databases were
designed to meet the storage and information management needs of the time.
Today we have a new […]

La entrada NoSQL Databases: The ultimate
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-03-19

System Hardening: Why the Need to Strengthen System Cybersecurity

Today, digital trust is required inside and outside the organization, so tools
must be implemented, with cybersecurity methods and best practices in each
layer of your systems and their infrastructure: applications, operating
systems, users, both on-premise and in the cloud. This is what we call System
Hardening an essential practice that lays the foundation for […]

La entrada System Hardening: Why the Need to Strengthen System
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-03-12

How to reduce CPU usage

From the computer, we increasingly perform different tasks simultaneously
(listening to music while writing a report, receiving files by email and
downloading videos), which involve executing commands, and sending and
receiving data. Over time, computer performance can suffer if CPU usage is not
optimized. But what is a CPU? Content: Introduction to the Importance of […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-03-05

Collectd Pandora FMS: Maximizing Monitoring Efficiency

Collectd is a daemon (i.e. running in the background on computers and
devices) that periodically collects metrics from different sources such as
operating systems, applications, log files, and external devices, providing
mechanisms to store values in different ways (e.g. RRD files) or makes it
available over the network. With this data and its statistics you […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-03-01

NOSQL vs SQL. Key differences and when to choose each

Until recently, the default model for application development was SQL.
However, in recent years NoSQL has become a popular alternative. The wide
variety of data that is stored today and the workload that servers must
support force developers to consider other more flexible and scalable options.
NoSQL databases provide agile development and ease of adapting […]

La entrada NOSQL vs SQL. Key differences and when to choose
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-02-20

Interview | Pandora FMS is a flexible and scalable monitoring system, ready to work in large IT infrastructures.

Interview with Alexander Twaradze, Pandora FMS representative in CIS
countries. See original here. Companies’ modern IT infrastructure consists of
multiple systems and services. These could be servers, network equipment,
software, communication channels, and services from third-party companies. All
of them interact through a wide variety of channels and protocols. Monitoring
what the entire IT infrastructure […]... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-02-16

Pandora FMS Review: Share your experience, get a reward and make a difference in G2

Pandora FMS stands out as a powerful monitoring software solution that helps
individuals and organizations of all sizes. It facilitates effective
monitoring of the performance and status of servers, applications, network
devices and other essential components of the IT infrastructure. You already
know Pandora FMS and the G2 platform well, so we would like to […]

La entrada Pandora FMS Review: Share your experience, get a reward and make a
difference in G2
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en Pandora FMS Monitoring Blog.... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-02-16

Deciphering Distributed Systems: A Complete Guide to Monitoring Strategies

Distributed systems allow projects to be implemented more efficiently and at a
lower cost, but require complex processing due to the fact that several nodes
are used to process one or more tasks with greater performance in different
network sites. To understand this complexity, let's first look at its
fundamentals. Content: Understanding the Complexity of […]

La entrada Deciphering Distributed Systems: A Complete Guide to Monitoring
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-02-15

Descifrando Sistemas Distribuidos: Guía Completa con Estrategias de Monitorización

Los sistemas distribuidos permiten implementar proyectos de forma más
eficiente y a un menor costo, pero requieren de procesamientos complejos por
el hecho de que se usan diversos nodos para procesar una o varias tareas con
un mayor rendimiento en distintos sitios de la red. Para comprender esta
complejidad, veamos primero sus fundamentos. Contenido: Entendiendo […]

La entrada Descifrando Sistemas Distribuidos: Guía Completa con Estrategias
de Monitorización
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-02-15

Apply network management protocols to your organization for better results

Para abordar este tema, primero hay que comprender que, en la digitalización
que estamos viviendo, existen múltiples recursos y dispositivos que conviven
en una misma red y que requieren de un conjunto de reglas, formatos, políticas
y estándares para poder reconocerse entre sí, intercambiar datos y, de ser
posible, identificar si existe algún problema para […]

La entrada Apply network management protocols to your organization for better
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-02-12

What is Prompt Engineering? Detailed guide

Digital-First has become the trend of organizations in the world and Latin
America, in which a digital strategy is chosen first for product and service
delivery, especially when a greater impact of the brand is sought more
immediately to a certain segment of the market along with a wider
dissemination on the offer, in a […]

La entrada What is Prompt Engineering? Detailed

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-02-01

AR vs VR: What’s the difference?

It would seem like the line between science fiction and reality is
increasingly blurred. We no longer see this only in the movies and games, but
in e-commerce, education, entertainment, staff training, remote diagnostics or
architectural projects. Today Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are
changing the way we use screens by creating new, more interactive […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-01-30

How to Analyze Problems with Root Cause Analysis – Full Guide

To understand what a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is, we must start from the
fact that a root cause is a factor that causes a non-conformance and must be
deleted through process improvement. The root cause is the central issue and
the highest-level cause that sets in motion the entire cause-and-effect
reaction that ultimately leads […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-01-23

What is RMM software?

In this article, we will thoroughly address RMM Software (Remote Monitoring
and Management Software) and its essential role for Managed Service Providers
(MSPs). We will explain the core functions of RMM, from remote monitoring to
efficient management of client devices, highlighting its key advantages such
as reducing labor costs and improving productivity. We will analyze […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2024-01-16

2023 A year of achievements and transformations at Pandora FMS!

On this exciting journey, we celebrate the successes of our team over the
course of an incredibly productive year. From solving 2677 development tickets
and 2011 support tickets to spending 5680 hours on projects and operations,
each metric represents our shared dedication and success with our valued
customers, which are the engine of our growth. […]

La entrada 2023 A year of achievements and transformations at Pandora
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-28

What is CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures)?

A CVE, or Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures, is a unique, standardized
identification for a security vulnerability or exposure in software or
hardware. CVEs are a naming and tracking system used around the world to
identify and list specific security vulnerabilities. This system was created
to make it easier to organize, communicate, and reference vulnerability
information, […]

La entrada What is CVE (Common Vulnerabilities and
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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-22

What is Information Technology (IT) Management?

According to Computer Weekly, Information Technology Management “…is the
process of overseeing all matters related to information technology operations
and resources within an organization…” Its objective is to ensure that all
technological resources, including hardware, software and networks (on-
premise or in the cloud or in hybrid environments) are available and
reliable, being used correctly and […]... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-21

¿Qué es la gestión de TI?

Según Computer Weekly, la Gestión de Tecnologías de Información “…es el
proceso de supervisión de todos los asuntos relacionados con las operaciones y
recursos de tecnología de la información dentro de una organización…” Su
objetivo es asegurar que todos los recursos tecnológicos, incluyendo hardware,
software y redes (en forma local o en la nube o […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-21

What is SSH?

SSH stands for “Secure Shell.” It's a network protocol used to securely access
and manage devices and servers over an unsecured network. It provides an
accurate form of authentication as well as encrypted communication between two
systems, making it especially useful in environments where security is a
concern. SSH is commonly used to access remote […]

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Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-19

What is the principle of least privilege (PoLP)?

Content: PoLP in practice Continued Importance in a Changing World
Implementation Difficulties Privileged accounts: Definition and Types
Privileged Cloud Accounts Common Privileged Threat Vectors Challenges to
Applying Least Privilege Benefits for Safety and Productivity Principle of
Least Privilege and Best Practices Least Privilege and Zero Trust Solutions
for the Implementation of Least Privilege How to […]... read more

Posted by SourceForge Robot 2023-12-14