
PHP AJAX File Manager (PAFM) / News: Recent posts

PHP AJAX File Manager (PAFM) 1.0.4 Released

- fixed empty upload bug
- numerous upload changes
- changed pafm directory to pafm-files
- pafm is now contained in a directory (no longer a tarbomb)
- numerous code changes

See repo for all the changes.

Complaints, suggestions, or praise? Let me know.


Posted by MMJ 2012-02-18

PAFM 1.0.2 Released

v1.0.2 of PAFM, a web-based file manager, has been released.

This is a minor bug fix release.

Change Log:

Fixed bug which caused problems when uploading in Internet Explorer.
Fixed bug in the extension column caused by files without an extension.

Posted by MMJ 2009-05-20

PAFM 1.0.1 Released

v1.0.1 of PAFM, a web-based file manager, has been released.

This is a minor bug fix release. I also added a small "READ ME" file for installation tips.

Change Log:

Fixed bugs with extraction method, extracting zip files now works on web servers with the ZIP module installed.
Fixed minor code typo.

Posted by MMJ 2009-02-19

PAFM 1.0 Released

PHP AJAX File Manager (PAFM) is a web-based file manager designed to give you complete control of your site's files. Source code editing is done with CodePress, a web-based editor with as-you-type syntax highlighting.

v1.0 of PAFM, a web-based file manager, has been released.

This is a bug fix release and moves the 1.0 branch to stability.

Change Log:

Fixed bug in $filePath variable.
Fixed bug where logout link was visible even when AUTHORIZE constant was set to false.

Posted by MMJ 2008-12-22

PAFM 1.0 RC1 Released

The new and much updated version of PAFM, a web-based file manager, has finally been released.

Note: As this is a release candidate there could still be some bugs.

Release Notes:

-- Code improvements:
The JavaScript has been rewritten, much cleaner and better code.
------ While the structure of the PHP code is largely the same, much of it has been rewritten, and the code is much cleaner and more consistent.
The html has been cleaned up, I now use the XHTML strict doctype instead of the transitional doctype.
------ The CSS has been cleaned up, much has been added.
UI Improvements:
---- General Improvements:
The font for file names has been changed to Consolas, everything else uses the Calibri font. These are two (new) Microsoft fonts which I believe are beautiful and easy to read fonts. See
------ I've added the "title" attribute to most html items, which means that you will be presented with an informational tooltip when hovering the mouse over elements.
Minor CSS changes throughout.
---- Specific Improvements:
All of the dialogs (except for delete, as all it needs is yes/no) now open in a modal window ("Lightbox" window).
------ The login page - while still simple - has been modified; to the better, I hope.
I have added crumbs of the current path (path crumbs) to the top lef of the page, the "Up" link has been removed.
------ There is now a header for each column (file name, extension, size, mode, file operations), stating what each column is.
New "extension" column; contains the extension for each file.
------ When hovering over a file row the background is filled. The purpose of this is to make it easier to know which items belong to which file.
Functionality Improvements:
------ You can now select a relative directory to manage. See the ROOT constant.
There is now a (user-defined, defaulted to 1mb) file size limit when editing files. See the MaxEditableSize constant.
------* When you select a file for upload PAFM automatically checks if a file with the same name exists in that directory.... read more

Posted by MMJ 2008-06-25