


In a sentence: it works really well. This is how Paddy got started. Gordon McKinney of target: wrote a little script in AutoHotKey that just mapped a few numpad functions. Based on his technology, over the course of a few months, make that a year, PADDY evolved.

Important notice: The NumLOCK key must be on for Paddy to work!

If you map the Numpad keys and the function keys only, you have a lot of options and many keys to map

  • 24 Numpad keys as they are (0-9, Home, End, Page Up, Page down, 4 cursor keys). You might choose to keep them as they are, e.g., for navigation and ratings)
  • 24 Numpad keys with CTRL, 24 with ALT. I used to have my presets under the ALT and some editing controls under CTRL
  • 12 function keys (maybe even 24 if your keyboard supports it) as they are - again, you might choose to leave them
  • 12 Shift-function keys - I used to have the targeted adjustment brushes under the first few
  • 12 CTRL-FUnction keys - I had navigation here (goto library etc)
  • 12 ALT-Function keys - I had...nothing there as this is new

That's a lot of keys to map.

What you do NOT have is a separate keyboard with it's own, lightroom specific logos. I wouldn't want to miss my [Genovation683] now that I have it. But that's a $70 investment. A lot less than RPG keys though


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