
Debian Package Search / News: Recent posts

Source Code Moved to Git

I've just moved the source code to git. Since git svn didn't work smoothly I just populated the git Repo with a snapshot of the latest code base.
For software archaeology please look a the SVN source code - and wait, there is still the CVS tab there! Wow what an anchient project ;-)

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2015-09-11 Labels: scm git svn

Version 2.4 is out

New version with many stability improvements and a new (faster) search backend for full text search.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2008-06-29

Version 2.2.2 is out

This release focusses on bug fixes and keeping track of library changes in its backends. Hopefully this is the release before the Debian etch release and thus will become a part of it.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2006-11-03

Version 2.1 is out

As usual it will be available from the Debian archive soon (today or tomorrow).

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2006-06-02

Uploaded 2.0.2

I've uploaded a new release to the SF area, note however, that the main source for downloading packagesearch is the Debian Archive now.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2005-09-30

Version 1.0.1 in Debian unstable and testing

The version of Debian Package Search has hit Debian unstable, and should reach testing tomorrow (thanks Enrico)

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2005-02-02

Version 1.0 has hit Debian unstable

I am proud to announce, that Debian Package Search 1.0 has recently hit Debian unstable (thanks to Enrico Zini). I have also asked Enrico to upload version 1.0.1 and I think it will take only a short time until it is available.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2005-01-22

Version 1.0.1 is out

This release fixes a serious bug. The apllication failed to start if a "debtags update" was not yet performed.
It does also some cosmetic enhancements.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2005-01-22

Version 1.0 is out

This version does not include many changes. But as version 0.6 is out for a while now, and I have not yet received any bug reports, I thought to switch to 1.0.

The changes done are small changes to increase the usability, e.g. navigation in the tag list is improved (right click does no longer select a tag), and the file list will only be shown after clicking the "Show" button to avoid unwanted of waiting.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2004-10-31

Version 0.6 is out

This version comes with the option to directly select packages to show.
Now there is the possibility to hide facets from the debtags search through "Plugin Settings" dialog. I have removed the exclude tags option as I think it is of little use and burdened the UI.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2004-09-21

Version 0.5 is out

This version comes with a dynamic plugin structure. All searches and informations are offered by plugins. The plugins can be loaded and unloaded at runtime (thouggh the debtags plugin does not like that).

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2004-08-17

Version 0.4.1 is out

it comes with compiling sources :-) and a minor bugfix

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2004-08-04

Version 0.4 is out

I had to create this release because major updates in the debtags system where performed and I had to keep up with it.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2004-08-03

Version 0.3 is out

It brings some minor improvments and the ability to search for files and show the files installed by a package.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2004-07-28

Version 0.2 is out

This version brings not many new features but instead a complete internal rework.
The most important main feature is that more than one words can be entered into the apt search and all must be included.
The internal rework greatly simplifies the code, seperating all the tangled code into plugins. So it will be easy to add new search methods or package information later.

Posted by Benjamin Mesing 2004-07-15