
Query regarding indexing.

test abc
  • test abc

    test abc - 2010-08-19

    I have downloaded the oxyus search-engine .I am using tomcat specified in readme.txt i entered the website to index.Can we index whole web-site for example our whole  web-application(containing all the jsp, html ) . As i noticed the search-results are displayed as follows:-
    if a jsp is having hyperlink to another jsp or html, oxyus will index that web-sites.

    How to index more than one  web-page at a time,In oxyus as soon as we call http://localhost:8080/oxyus/admin/
    it will ask us to index a web-page. can we enter more than one web-page( JSP  ) here.

    Kindly let me know as to what each configuration files do:- in the path /oxyus/conf/ having   .conf and .properties file do.

    Thanks and regards,
    test abc.

  • test abc

    test abc - 2010-08-24

    please reply soon.

    test abc.


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