

OWLNext Knowledge Base

The following articles give in-depth information about various aspects of OWLNext.

Material on this wiki


Build system

OWL compatibility and porting

Windows, dialogs and controls

Message handling


Old material

Note: The following articles may have outdated and/or incorrect content, and the formatting may be off.

External OWLNext material

OWLNext Journal

The OWLNext Journal has articles on advanced use of OWLNext written by Sebastian Ledesma.

  • Issue #1 - Drawing a custom frame with EvNCPaint.
  • Issue #2 - Creating non-square windows with SetWindowRgn.


Bugs: #543
Discussion: Windows 10 style for DocView windows
Discussion: Help needed: Documentation overhaul
Discussion: Scrolling a TMDIClient window with the mouse wheel
Discussion: Which editor for gui design
News: 2020/05/responsibly-macro-free
News: 2023/08/implementing-response-tables-without-macros
News: 2023/08/window-procedures-vs-dialog-box-procedures
Wiki: 64-bit_OWLNext
Wiki: Adding_the_new_diagnostic_macros_to_your_code
Wiki: Application_and_module_objects
Wiki: Basic_MDI_Application
Wiki: Basic_OWL_Application
Wiki: Built-in_OWLNext_diagnostic_window
Wiki: Calling 32-bit DLL from 64-bit application in C++
Wiki: Changing TUrlLink background color
Wiki: Coding_Standards
Wiki: Contributing
Wiki: Convert_Borland_C++_resource_files_to_Visual_C++
Wiki: Dialog_Data_Transfer
Wiki: Document-View_and_you
Wiki: Enabling_and_disabling_commands_in_an_ObjectWindows_application
Wiki: Exceptions_and_OWLNext
Wiki: Expand all children of a Tree View node
Wiki: Frequently_Asked_Questions
Wiki: Getting directory or filename from a full path
Wiki: Limiting_the_resizing_of_client_windows
Wiki: Links
Wiki: List View Control tip and tricks
Wiki: ListView_control_optimization
Wiki: Main_Page
Wiki: Making_an_application_Unicode-ready
Wiki: Migrating_from_BC_to_VC
Wiki: Monitoring file for changes
Wiki: Multi-threading_and_OWLNext
Wiki: OWLMaker
Wiki: OWLNext_and_Data_Execution_Prevention
Wiki: OWLNext_modules_description
Wiki: OWLNext_naming_convention
Wiki: OWL_Compatibility_modes
Wiki: OWL_Static_Library_Sectioning
Wiki: Optimizing Combo Box controls with large amount of data
Wiki: Packaging OWLNext application for Windows Store
Wiki: Replacing_the_Borland_C++_Class_Libraries
Wiki: Replacing_usage_of_BWCC
Wiki: Resizable Dialogs in OWLNext
Wiki: Responding_to_Windows_Messages
Wiki: Responding_to_standard_messages_with_ObjectWindows
Wiki: Response_table_hacking
Wiki: Response_tables_without_macros
Wiki: Safe_Transfer_Buffers
Wiki: Selecting_and_restoring_objects_in_TDC
Wiki: Strings_in_OWLNext
Wiki: Supported_Compilers
Wiki: Timer_events
Wiki: UI_design_for_multiple_views
Wiki: Understanding_the_Response_Tables_in_ObjectWindows
Wiki: Upgrading_from_OWL
Wiki: User-defined_Windows_messages
Wiki: Using Windows Forms from OWLNext applications
Wiki: Using_single_message_response_function
Wiki: Using_the_extended_diagnostic_macros
Wiki: Virtualized List View with grouping
Wiki: Where_do_TCommandEnabler_objects_come_from?
Wiki: Windows_Message_Dispatch_in_OWLNext