
OWLNext: C++ Application Framework / News: Recent posts

New article about File and Folder Browse dialogs

New article about File and Folder Browse dialogs and their support in OWLNext is available in the Knowledge Base:

Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 3 days ago

New version 1.1.3 of FolderSize tool is released.

Folder Size is a tool for calculating the total size of all files in folders and subfolders.

It is a free open-source example of using the OWLNext C++ framework.

What's new in version 1.1.3:

  • Added a welcome screen.
  • Added setting to restore and rescan previously opened folders on startup.
  • Added setting to switch between old style and new style file dialogs.
  • Added status bar.
  • Minor UI tweaks.... read more
Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2024-07-02

OWLNext 7.0.14, 6.44.24, 6.36.9 updates

These maintenance updates add support for MSVC toolset version 14.40 in Visual Studio 2022 [feature-requests:#246], and they also fix a buffer overflow bug in TEdit::GetLine [bugs:#574]. Additionally, version 7.0.14 cleans up more warnings and fixes a minor inconsequential internal bug in "mdiframe.cpp".

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2024-05-24 Labels: Release Update

OWLNext 7.0.13 and 6.44.23 updates

These maintenance updates fix a bug in OCF: TOcDocument::LoadParts/SaveParts cause crashes with UNICODE character set [bugs:#571]. Thanks to Marceli Sokólski (@pralkopodobny) for signing up and fixing the issue!

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2024-04-15 Labels: Release Update

OWLNext 7.0.12, 6.44.22, 6.36.8 and 6.30.15 updates

These maintenance updates add support for Embarcadero RAD Studio/C++Builder 12 Athens in OWLNext 7, 6.44 and 6.36. This update also fixes issues with the implementations of TEdit::SetLeftMargin, SetRightMargin and SetMarginUseFontInfo [bugs:#559], as well as a regression in 7.0 causing font changes in SetupWindow to be ignored [bugs:#507].

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2023-12-25 Labels: Release Update

C++Builder 12 Athens release

Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2023-11-08

OWLNext 7.0.11, 6.44.21, 6.36.7 and 6.30.14 updates

These maintenance updates add support for Embarcadero RAD Studio/C++Builder 11.3 Alexandria in OWLNext 7, 6.44 and 6.36 by fixing an issue with the Boost path setting [bugs:#549]. This update also fixes an issue with link errors due to missing export attributes [bugs:#550], and this fix has also been applied to OWLNext 6.30.

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2023-09-03 Labels: Release Update

Implementing response tables without macros

In our Knowledge Base article "Windows Message Dispatch in OWLNext" there is now a new section on implementing response tables without macros. So if you have had enough of response table macros and want to write C++ instead, take a look.

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2023-08-20 Labels: Knowledge Base

Window procedures vs dialog box procedures

After having been tripped up by the Windows API documentation and the difference between window procedures and dialog box procedures, I have added a little helpful section to our Knowledge Base article "Windows Message Dispatch in OWLNext" describing the difference and how OWL in turn differs from classic Win32 programming in this regard.

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2023-08-16 Labels: Knowledge Base

TEdit demo

A new demo of various TEdit capabilities is added to the Classes project.

Some of the less commonly used capabilities that are demonstrated are:

  • Automatically converting entered text to lower or upper case.
  • Allowing only digits to be entered.
  • Changing the default password character.
  • Enabling Web Search in the edit box context menu.
  • Multiline control with a formatting rectangle.
  • Setting cue text in the edit box.
  • Showing balloon tips in the edit box, for example when the text limit is reached.
Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2023-08-08 Labels: Classes TEdit

New version 1.1.2 of FolderSize tool is released.

Folder Size is a tool for calculating the total size of all files in folders and subfolders.

It is a free open-source example of using the OWLNext C++ framework.

What's new in version 1.1.2:

  • Added Delete Folder command in the folder tree.
  • Added Expand All and Collapse All commands in the folder tree.
  • Double-clicking a folder in the files list will open that folder.
  • BUG: Fixed an issue where "Open Containing Folder" command was not working in the files list.
  • BUG: Fixed an issue where the files list will not be refreshed after changing the file size options.
  • BUG: Fixed an issue where typing a letter in the files list will not select the file that starts with that letter.... read more
Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2023-07-09

New article about optimizing Combo Box controls

A short new article about optimizing the addition of large number of items to a Combo Box control is available on OWLNext Knowledge Base:

Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2023-04-29

C++Builder 11 Community Edition Released

Embarcadero has made available the Community Edition license for the most recent 11.3 release of Delphi and C++Builder. This is a free edition of either Delphi or C++Builder for students, hobbyists and startups (as the license is revenue-limited).

Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2023-04-27 Labels: C++Builder

C++ Coding Tip: Embrace the conditional operator

I just did a quick Internet search, and it seems to me that many are still preaching against the use of the conditional operator (a.k.a. "ternary operator"). However, after 30 years of C++ programming, I've come to love this operator, and I believe it is a fundamental programming expression for clean maintainable code.

Let's have a look. Which bar do you prefer?... read more

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2023-02-26 Labels: C++

OWLNext 7.0.10 and 6.44.20 updates

These updates fix an initialisation issue in THdrItem [bugs:#546].

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2023-02-19 Labels: Release Update

State of OWLNext — shifting gears to 8

Some of you may have noticed that the trunk, where our main OWLNext development happens, has recently changed to version 8 [r6254]. That may be curious, considering the 7 series is less than two years old, with only 7.0 and updates released, so far. Many of you are still using the 6 series, I suspect, which has gone on and on for over 20 years!... read more

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2023-01-19

OWLNext 7.0.9 and 6.44.19 updates

These updates fix a regression in 6.40: "WinMain fails to parse unquoted argument" [bugs:#541].

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2022-12-24 Labels: Release Update

OWLMaker Build 6218 update

This update fixes a regression that caused OWLMaker to freeze for 10 seconds after a build [bugs:#540]. It also fixes another issue where aborting the build ("Tools | Stop build") aborts the build for all instances of the program, rather than just the one for which the command is issued. This can be an issue if you use multiple instances of OWLMaker to run builds concurrently for different toolsets and/or versions of the libraries. With the fix, multiple instances of OWLMaker can now abort builds independently.... read more

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2022-11-09 Labels: Tools Update

FolderSize 1.1.1. Available

New version 1.1.1 of the Folder Size tool is released:
- Greatly improved performance when displaying folders with large number of files or subfolders.
- Display the target of symlink folders.

Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2022-10-11

New article about optimizing ListView Control

A new article about optimizing ListView controls is available:

Posted by Ognyan Chernokozhev 2022-09-19

OWLMaker is now signed

For increased trust and security, the OWLMaker executable files are now signed. The secure digital signature is provided by Hasfjord Software AS.

As of today, the updated package ("") passes all scans at VirusTotal. Previously, without a digital signature, the VirusTotal scan produced a spurious false positive ("Trojan.Malware.300983.susgen" detected by MaxSecure).... read more

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2022-08-26 Labels: Tools Update

OWLMaker Build 6194 update

This is a pretty big update. First and foremost, OWLMaker now includes optional automatic update checking as an extension to the existing manual update checking, which has itself been revamped and improved. The other big new feature is Unicode support in the built-in code editor. Apart from those big changes, OWLMaker is as always based on the latest fixes and features on the trunk, which for this version means it includes major UI improvements worked on for OWLNext 7.1, giving it a refreshed and modern flat look without the outdated 3D-style edges all over.... read more

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2022-07-26 Labels: Update Tools

OWLNext 7.0.8 and 6.44.18 updates

These updates add the ability to change the text background color in TRichEditView [feature-requests:#199]. A few bugs have also been fixed in TCharFormat, TNoteTab and TImageList.

Posted by Vidar Hasfjord 2022-06-18 Labels: Release Update