Using Visual Studio 2013 Community. Set warnings at level 3 /W3. Got this warning.
C:\owl.640\include\classlib\arrays.h(437) : while compiling class template member function 'int owl::TIArrayAsVector<TCPServer>::Detach(int,owl::TShouldDelete::DeleteType)'
2> C:\owl.640\include\classlib\arrays.h(432) : see reference to function template instantiation 'int owl::TIArrayAsVector<TCPServer>::Detach(int,owl::TShouldDelete::DeleteType)' being compiled
2> ..\src\tcpserver.cpp(1887) : see reference to class template instantiation 'owl::TIArrayAsVector<TCPServer>' being compiled
Moderator: Formatted quoted output.
Last edit: Vidar Hasfjord 2015-03-06
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Those messages seem to be only references to context. What is the warning itself (and warning ID/number)?
Consider rewriting your code to use standard containers. The BIDS simulation in OWLNext is not perfect and is poorly maintained. See the wiki article "Replacing the Borland C++ Class Libraries".
Using Visual Studio 2013 Community. Set warnings at level 3 /W3. Got this warning.
Moderator: Formatted quoted output.
Last edit: Vidar Hasfjord 2015-03-06
Those messages seem to be only references to context. What is the warning itself (and warning ID/number)?
Consider rewriting your code to use standard containers. The BIDS simulation in OWLNext is not perfect and is poorly maintained. See the wiki article "Replacing the Borland C++ Class Libraries".
Wiki: Replacing_the_Borland_C++_Class_Libraries