Notepad++ is a very powerful text editor. I use it for many actions, and one of them is to search recursively OWLNext source code and examples for the usage of certain classes/methods/members/constants/etc.
For example:
But a small annoying issue with this method for this global searching is that if I had built some of the example projects with C++ Builder, it generates a bunch of cache folders that also get listed in the search results, like this:
C:\Work\OWLNext\Subversion\trunk\build\embarcadero\__astcache\@c@@work@owlnext@subversion@trunk@build@embarcadero\c@@work@owlnext@subversion@trunk@source@owlcore@mdiclien.cpp (2 hits)
Line 244: T EV_COMMAND(CM_CASCADECHILDREN, CmCascadeChildren),
C:\Work\OWLNext\Subversion\trunk\build\embarcadero\__astcache\@c@@work@owlnext@subversion@trunk@build@embarcadero\c@@work@owlnext@subversion@trunk@source@owlcore@mdiframe.cpp (2 hits)
Line 116: /// the following identifiers: CM_CASCADECHILDREN, CM_TITLECHILDREN, or
Line 133: (TUser::GetMenuState(childMenu, CM_CASCADECHILDREN, MF_BYCOMMAND) != (uint) -1 ||
C:\Work\OWLNext\Subversion\trunk\build\embarcadero\__astcache\@c@@work@owlnext@subversion@trunk@build@embarcadero\c@@work@owlnext@subversion@trunk@source@owlcore@menudesc.cpp (1 hit)
Fortunately, it is possible to exclude these folders by adding a recursive exclusion filter like this: !+\__astcache
Notepad++ is a very powerful text editor. I use it for many actions, and one of them is to search recursively OWLNext source code and examples for the usage of certain classes/methods/members/constants/etc.
For example:
But a small annoying issue with this method for this global searching is that if I had built some of the example projects with C++ Builder, it generates a bunch of cache folders that also get listed in the search results, like this:
Fortunately, it is possible to exclude these folders by adding a recursive exclusion filter like this:
Moderator: Corrected formatting (images, plain text).
Last edit: Vidar Hasfjord 2024-06-18
I use Notepad++ a lot but that is a new one for me. Thanks for posting that.