Reported by Erwin Lotter (elotter):
A problem I face thereby occurs when the last TMDIChild of the active layer is closed. Then, severel of the hidden TMDIChilds get visible (blink up) for a short time (which depends on the number of the hidden TMDIChilds) and one of these hidden windows is activated (and receives the keyboard focus) [discussion:ff4f6b0b].
Discussion: Window list incomplete in MDI application
Discussion: Window list incomplete in MDI application
Discussion: ff4f6b0b
Discussion: TMDIClient::EvMDIDestroy()
Discussion: TMDIClient::EvMDIDestroy()
This issue has been fixed in [r2766].
Commit: [r2766]
Last edit: Vidar Hasfjord 2014-11-12
This ticket has been reopened. The code removed in [r2766], to fix the MDI child focus and flicker issues, is still needed in current day Windows to circumvent MDI bugs (erratic Window list). Hence, the code has been reverted to its original state [r3161].
Erwin Lotter (elotter) in [discussion:847c1b13]:
Commit: [r2766]
Commit: [r3161]
Last edit: Vidar Hasfjord 2015-05-19
When the last visible MDI child is removed, TMDIChild::EvNCActivate() does not work as expected.
In this case Windows forces the activation of a temporarily unhidden child and paints it's non-client area.
It seems that this occurs repeatedly when the children are rehidden after Destroy() is done. As a consequence, all hidden children blink up.
This can be prevented by implementing
Alternatively, TMDIChild could be extended this way - with the risk of new side effects unknown yet.
Therefore, it might be the better strategy to document the problem and suggest this solution to those who hide MDI child windows.
..., and EV_WM_NCPAINT needs to be added to the response table.
Hi Erwin, thanks for the feedback on this issue. You are welcome to implement your fix on the trunk, so that we can gain experience with it in practice. We can then make a judgement on the robustness of your approach as we get closer to the release of version 7.
If you do decide to implement your fix, please take ownership of this ticket and set the milestone to version 7.
Hi Vidar,
I'm not involved in the mysteries of trunks and branches. Could you
please handle this part?
Moderator: Removed quoted content.
Last edit: Vidar Hasfjord 2017-02-09