
Install successfull on Win2000/Apache2/PHP4

  • Robert Thurnreiter


    In the last few days I where trying to install Outreach under Windows 2000. With a little mixture of the published 0.946b and the CVS 0.947 sources, containing some windows support, i finally succeded !

    Here are the steps I did to install on my system:

    On Windows 2000 / with Apache 2 / PHP 4.2.2 - no gettext support
    php as sapi / php4apache.dll (look for patched dll on

    1) unpack 0.946 Full Release

    2) get setup from cvs - all files except opt_init.sql Rev <= 1.3 (use Browse CVS)

    3) copy & rename in directory include files init_OPT_lib.php to .txt
    also to .txt

    4) edit setup_lib.php change line 28 "$os = strtolower($HTTP_ENV_VARS["OS"]);"
    as this is not set on my windows/appache2/php4
    to $os = strtolower($_ENV["OS"]);

    5) open setup.php insert at line 78
        if ($os_is_win) {
            $pwd = str_replace("\\&quot;,"/",$pwd);
    comment (or delete lines)  86 //if (!$os_is_win) {
    lines 94 -96 //else ...

    do the same at line 141, 149 (for opt_dmo database)

    6) open index.php goto line 106 replace $path build up lines with following code (find the path to OPT ...)

       if(!is_os_win) {       
         } else {
            $tmp = explode("\\&quot;,$pwd);
        for ($i=0;$i<sizeOf($tmp)-2;$i++) { //>

    7) in include get general.php from cvs rev 1.7

    Thats all - start /opt/setup/index.php

    Upgarde: Use the upgrade Manger to Upgrade to Calendar and 0.947 (download tar and unzip)
    (You have to change/replace general.php because of the bindtodomain problem)

    Hope this helps the windows people ...

    PS: After installatiopn with Apache it also worked with ISS and php.exe as cgi

    • John Maxwell

      John Maxwell - 2003-02-14

      My install (recently upgraded to .947) is working well with only 2 probs.  Mail notifications are dying because my IIS 5.0 SMTP server does not like the address format that OPT sends with emails that originate from updating/adding new projects.  OPT send <First Name Last Name <>>
      This cannot be interpreted properly by MSFT SMTP server.
      How do I tell OPT to only send the email address without the users full name?
      I can't find where the variables are set that produce the Full Name/Email address in $to.
      Any ideas?

      • Bogdan Stancescu

        You shouldn't end up with that email address format in any case - that's invalid by any standards, not only for MSFT. Could you actually copy/paste a sample e-mail address composed by OPT - mangling the names and e-mail addresses, but copying the exact format.

    • John Maxwell

      John Maxwell - 2003-02-14

      Yes, thank you for replying.  The following is the log file from my SMTP server. Disregard the plus (+) sign, as it is inserted only into the log file.

      SMTP - - - -
      2003-02-14 19:34:19 NOMAD SMTPSVC1 NOMAD 0 MAIL - +FROM:<> 250 0 42 29 0 SMTP - - - -
      2003-02-14 19:34:19 NOMAD SMTPSVC1 NOMAD 0 RCPT - +TO:<> 501 0 27 43 0 SMTP - - - -
      2003-02-14 19:34:19 NOMAD SMTPSVC1 NOMAD 0 QUIT - NOMAD 0 0 69 4 0 SMTP - - - -

    • chaunv

      chaunv - 2004-08-25

      I have setup opt sucess but when i login with user admin maimenu (header?) and footer not loaded , instead is "Index of /opt/main_menu
      "Name            Last modified      Size  Description"
      why ? can sombody help me solve this bug ?


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