
Let's have some feedback

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  • Paul Gillingwater

    I'd like to hear from people who are downloading OPT.  Were you able to install it OK?  And once installed, are you using it?

    Lanifex OPT Team

    • J.P. Pasnak

      J.P. Pasnak - 2002-01-31

      It installed OK (very straight forward).  Right now we're using it in a test enviroment to evalute it.

    • David Garcia Watkins

      Installed fine ... took me a bit more to figure out the mail settings, but its finally working too (it was just a permission problem on my side).

      We are currently using it internally to manage our tasks and projects.

    • Eric

      Eric - 2002-02-13

      I set it up tonight.  I had to use the manual setup for some reason, as I kept getting the error "Unable to set up the required tables."

      Now, I can't get into the program at all, using the adminuser/admin username and password.  I have fiddled and fiddled and fiddled with it, and still can't get in.

      Any suggestions?

      • Bogdan Stancescu

        Since you have so mant problems with the manual install, I'd suggest dropping the databases and going for the automated install. I think you were unable to set up automatically due to MySQL permissions - check those if you have problems again!

        Alternatively you could keep the databases and perform an automated setup, checking the "Existing database" checkboxes in the first setup page - obviously, providing the correct database names.

        Please remember that OPT currently only works with Linux and MySQL!

        • Eric

          Eric - 2002-02-14

          OK, I tried that, and it seemed to work, but I got the same "username or password incorrect" error.

          On further inspection, it seems that nothing is being inserted in my database.  I wonder if it's even reading anything from the database either...  All MySQL permissions are correct.

          Linux (Cobalt RaQ), Apache, PHP 4.06, MySQL

    • Bogdan Stancescu

      You should manually create those entries (you probably used the old database in the automated install).

      Manually log in mysql and issue the following:

      insert into people
             set fname='Administrator', lname='admin',
                    uname='admin', pwd=md5("admin"), company=1, lastlog=0, prevlog=0, status=1, preflang="en", id=6;
      insert into companies set shortname="AdminComp", status=1;

      Now you can log in OPT with username admin, password admin. And you should change that passowrd soon!

      • Eric

        Eric - 2002-02-16

        moving this to the Help forum where it belonged in the first place.

    • mose

      mose - 2002-03-05

      I installed OPT first on my local debian (sid), successfully. Next on our production server (debian woody), after some testing.

      Everything worked at first time, unless I needed to add the notify field in forums table.

      Installations steps were all successful. Upgrade system is exceptionnal and works very well.

      I just included a calendar in plugins, and that is fairly easy to use that system for specific features that I need. (hum I should package that).

      Installation and setup is very fast, as I encoutered no noticeable problem.

      We are right now testing it to decide or not to adopt that tool as our main project management tool.

      The PHP code inside is also well structured and I can see hours of work beyond code. A really impressive work.

    • iain simons

      iain simons - 2002-03-17

      Has anyone any experience of installing under a windows environment?
      I'm going to try it this week, but was wondering if it was worth it before i did...:)
      Looks like a great tool..

      • Bogdan Stancescu

        It won't work under Win. ;-(

        OPT uses system calls and... well... they're not the same. There are some plans on porting OPT to Windows, but they're not very short term.

        • Mathias Bertelsen

          I have a successful install on windows (with apache/php/MySQL and Xmail smtp-server). It's not yet completely tested in every corner, but it seems to work fine.
          It took some fiddling with some of the above-mentioned system-calls, but nothing too big. (i also have cygwin installed which provide f.ex. 'ls'. 'ls' is used in some systemcalls)
          Also i am having problems with the document uploading, but it seems to be more of at PHP/Apache problem...

          I would be happy to try and help if you have any problems...


          • Bogdan Stancescu

            Wow! Cool! I didn't have time to install everything in Windows and start fiddling around - but wouldn't you want your effort to go public? How much did you have to edit in order to come up with a working version? Could you send me the files you edited? I hope we can include your changes in the official release...

            Also, if there have been some setup issues, would you be willing to write a doc on the issue - we would include it in the official release...

    • Chris Robson

      Chris Robson - 2002-04-03

      hi - I have got the system installed as a pilot system for our company (Tyco Services, Sydney, Australia)

      I looked at quite a few projects/systems before deciding that I wanted to pilot this system. what I'm trying to set up is a company "project office" to manage tasks, documents and issues. it is part of a personal desire of mine to introduce better project management methodologies.

      Now that we are running a few projects on the system we are discovering some things we like and things that we would like to change. i'm a manager not a developer, all i know is what i want - not how to build it. I just posted the latest bug anonymously but now i have a sourcefourge log-in. this is all pretty new to me...

      Anyway, I just want to thank Paul and anybody else who is contributing to this project. It is a neat system and i would like to see it develop.

      Any other "corporate" type users out there? I'm especially interested in people using the tool to manage general projects rather than just web technology projects.

      regards to all - CJR

      • Bogdan Stancescu

        I'd be glad to hear your suggestions! I'd recommend posting them on the mailing list if that's ok with you - this way we can get feedback from other users as well.

    • Tom Arnold

      Tom Arnold - 2002-05-04

      I got it to install, but can't get the email to work nor the document uploads. These are two major features, so it's not very functional yet. My email files are getting created in /temp/OPT as described, but the they don't show up for the project when I check to see if the project has any email in the repository.

      Also, it seems it can't send emails to the adminstrator or anybody else, even though there is a working sendmail installation on the same server as OPT and I thought I had configured it right.

      Finally, I can't upload any documents. Every time I hit the "Add" button I get "this page cannot be displayed."

      Looks promising, but it does not work.

      I'm using SuSE Linux PPC 7.3, and versions of Apache and MySQL and PHP that are some you've already tested. I can't find much administrator support or troubleshooting. I'm about to give up on this if I can't get it working.

    • Susan Douglas

      Susan Douglas - 2002-05-10

      I downloaded it May 10,2002 and it installed fine except it was missing the e_attach table.  I found it in the CVS.

      I am also having problems with the email system.  I am looking into changing the perl script so it reads the subject line rather than the email.  My email client strips out everything but the actual email.

      I think there should be a "homeless files" place

      Susan Douglas

      • Bogdan Stancescu

        Hello, Susan!

        I don't know what CVS you're talking about - the CVS on sourceforge hasn't been maintained in quite a while AFAIK.

        About your mail problem, try it! Try subitting an e-mail with the subject containing whatever the system tells you should be in the destination e-mail (e.g. Subject: "OPT archive #1").

    • Michał Kotnowski

      I have installed the OPT last night. No problems spotted. I liked the Upgrade Manager very much.
      Some problems with Gantt Chart plugin, but solved (no fonts in the directiory graph was looking for).
      The main problem with OPT is the lack of translation layer, so creation of localized version is hardly possible. This will be the main problem on my side - my users won't use English version.


    • Mike Stoddart

      Mike Stoddart - 2002-06-24

      I installed OPT and managed to get it working on a Redhat based server.

      I'm not keen on the calendar; it shouldn't be a plugin as it's too important a feature for that. Also, it didn't look to be working to me.

      Overall I'm impressed. I'm evaluating similar tools for a personal project. If the calendar worked and was an integral part of the program, then I'd probably consider using OPT.


    • Rene Kluwen

      Rene Kluwen - 2002-10-03

      Just installed Outreach. I am using 4.2.2, but had to use the "old" pre 4.0.5 method of sending emails. This was really a postfix incompatibility problem I think. Not outreach.

      For the rest, it seemed to work well so far. Also I (still) need to install the jpgraph fonts - as soon as their website works again ;)...

      It took me a while to figure what exactly the knowlegde network was/is. And it is still not clear to me how different topics/subjects are managed. Also: Are there more than one knowlegde networks? Or is there just one global one?

      Previously I have been using phpCollab. But overall -so far- I think I like this more. Is there any docs on database structure, etc? I am thinking of writing a migration tool for my data.

      I think the Gantt-option should be visible in the upgrades section in stead of having to download it seperately (or maybe I did something wrong).

    • Mike Moretti

      Mike Moretti - 2003-03-22

      I've installed on Solaris 2.9 and it works well so far.

      It's a really cool app!  Unfortunately, from what I can tell so far it doesn't really have any kind of access control.  Either you have access to everything in a project or nothing at all.

      It'd be great if you could limit what someone can do within a project via roles or something.  E.g., the Developer role would have full access to a project's tasks, etc.  The Client role would only have access to requests and knowledge base for a project.  Etc etc.

      Out of all the tracking projects at sourceforge so far this is the best.  Tutos totally sucks.  Trackplus sucks too; the admin interface is pretty bad.  I'm still evaluating zentrack.

      Thanks for the good work so far!

      • Paul Gillingwater

        ## I've installed on Solaris 2.9 and it works well so far.

        Good to hear Solaris works fine.

        #It's a really cool app! Unfortunately, from what I can tell so far it doesn't
        # really have any kind of access control. Either you have access to
        #everything in a project or nothing at all.

        The first company which you sign up is the owner company, and everyone who is a member of that company can see all projects.  Effectively, this is the same as the Wheel group from Solaris.  So, just create a new company, and then the only project and other info members of that company can see are those which belong to their own company.

        # It'd be great if you could limit what someone can do within a project via
        # roles or something. E.g., the Developer role would have full access
        # to a project's tasks, etc. The Client role would only have access to
        # requests and knowledge base for a project. Etc etc.

        We agree completely, and are working on a new and more powerful access control model.

        # Out of all the tracking projects at sourceforge so far this is the best.

        Thanks for the kind words.  Our developer team will be pleased!

        Paul Gillingwater

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2003-07-15

      Installed it on Linux RedHat9.  The installation took me a bit of time, then again it was the first time I worked with Linux.  The basic install instructions were fine - I even got the fonts downloaded and installed.  The only real difficulty I had was with alias for the "opt" mailbox.  There was a writeup in the EMAIL INSTALL file on what to do if SMRSH is on the system.  However, I could not get things to work that way.  I removed SMRSH: modified to remove it as a feature.  Things have been running fine since.
      One problem I have is that when registering time worked on a project if a user leaves out the estimated time to completion, marked as "optional," the hours worked are not properly recorded - they are not used to show what percentage of the project is completed or how much time is left.  I have to remind users to always fill this field in.
      Also, it would be nice to be able to post recurring meetings, e.g. weekly status meetings, to the calendar.


    • Anders Carlberg

      Anders Carlberg - 2004-05-18

      We are running OPT on FreeBSD, works fine!
      just missing some fonts..


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