
#4 German Umlauts wrapped up in export


When exporting elements containing German Umlauts
(ä,ö,ü,ß, etc.) they get encoded in strange symbols.
Jürgen (with an "ue")
JĂźrgen (with an "A with tilde" plus "one quarter")

The location setting has no effect on this.

Besides that, the tool is great!


  • Joachim Schlosser

    • priority: 5 --> 8
  • Joachim Schlosser

    Logged In: YES

    IMHO the code of method
    void CVHelper::AddTag(LPCTSTR tag, const CString &value)
    in file VHelper.cpp around line 55 will have to be extended.
    Unfortunately I do not have MSVC on my box, otherwise I
    would play around a bit.

  • Paul Thompson

    Paul Thompson - 2003-01-06
    • assigned_to: nobody --> chief1ic
  • Todd Brannam

    Todd Brannam - 2003-01-24

    Logged In: YES

    "C3 BC" is the UTF-8 encoding of A umalaut - sounds like
    either there is a mismatch on character encodings - perhaps
    ximian isn't doing proper utf-8 conversion when reading the
    file. I think ICal spec calls for UTF-8 encoding?

  • Todd Brannam

    Todd Brannam - 2003-01-24

    Logged In: YES

    It appears to me that the code at line 55 is encoding "ue"
    into "0xc3, 0xbc" - this isn't in the VCard path for contacts.
    Can you tell if Ximian uses UTF-8 encodings for it's
    addressbook DB? if not then the code at line 55 should
    probably just go away.

  • Paul Thompson

    Paul Thompson - 2003-01-25

    Logged In: YES

    According to the VCard 2.1 spec (which I admit I'm looking
    at for the first time now), the default character encoding
    is ASCII, but the encoding can be overridden on a
    per-property basis. I'm not sure off hand whether evo uses
    vcard 2.1 or 3.0.

    Anyway, now that I'm aware of how it's supposed to be, I'll
    fix those parts to do the encoding properly. Probably not
    'til next week at the earliest though.

  • robbo

    robbo - 2004-03-17

    Logged In: YES

    I think my problem is the same:

    Rather than German, I use French a lot. I could not export
    from outlook into Evolution because Evolution was:
    1) Cutting off all text after an accented character
    2) Showing the Notes field in the card view, but _sometimes_
    not in the editing window.

    The second problem may not be related.

    Looking in the .db file:
    - Outport encodes the charater (e-accent-aigu) as just e9 hex
    - Evolution encodes it as two characters c3 a9 hex

    Happy to provide file snippets and more details if needed.

  • Palle Girgensohn

    Logged In: YES

    This is the same bug as described in #890921.

    Problem is this: When exporting calendar data using the
    "Evolution Calendar" mode, no conversion from iso-8859-1 to
    utf-8 is made. The iCal RFC-2445 specs that data should be
    in UTF-8, and evolution sure expects it, and always use
    UTF-8 both internally and when exporting. etc are left
    just the same in the output file. This is plain wrong.

    Oddly enough, when exporting form Outport using the
    "iCalendar" mode, it does convert the characters, so it
    should be fairly easy to fix this, right?

  • Christoph Rothe

    Christoph Rothe - 2005-02-21

    Logged In: YES

    Same problem here. Source: Outlook XP, Destination: Evolution

    I would be glad id the problem could be fixed :-)



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