
Interacting with Outboard without using the GUI

  • Lorne Gaetz

    Lorne Gaetz - 2014-05-05

    I only discovered this project today, and it looks like a very good
    candidate for a project I have in mind. The idea is to have an Asterisk
    based phone system automatically place a call to an employee when they are
    working remotely, and have them respond in a manor that indicates to the
    system that they are safe. If they do not respond to the automated call
    properly, the phone system will generate an alert of some type to an
    appropriate destination.

    I think that Outboard could be a core component of this project, but there are two main requirements that need to be done without GUI input:

    1. I need to be able to get a list of employees that are out, and the time they are expected back. I am sure this could just come directly from the database via a query.
    2. I need to be able to first authenticate a login and then change the return time of a specific employee. Is there anything that would prevent this from also being done by manipulating the database directly?

    Last edit: Lorne Gaetz 2014-05-07
  • Richard F. Feuerriegel

    The lib/OutboardDatabase.php class contains all of the methods for dealing with the OutBoard database. In particular, the getData() method (paired with getRow()) will return the list of OB members and their current status on the board. You can see how this is used by looking at the while() loop in outboard.php. Other methods (functions) in OutboardDatabase.php can be used to update the OB database. There shouldn't be any need to change the database contents manually outside of those functions.

  • Lorne Gaetz

    Lorne Gaetz - 2014-05-07

    Thanks, that gives me a good starting point.


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