
#45 Full screen

full screen (1)

This feature would be very usefull in connection with little displays. I work now with an industrial 9' 800x600 (as main stop control) and every pixel is precious. Full screen (ctrl+shift+win+alt + function key !!!) would mean that only the "organ" would occupy the screen, none of the windows bars, program menu or settings bar (the bar with SET <> etc).

Well I must say something about my setup, since this is cheap and good and makes clearer the Why. On the 9' display comes a membran keyboard. The base of this kb is thick acrylic board with thin copper wire glued on it, then comes a separator made of a simple plastic sheet (for old fashioned beamer) with holes for the contact plates and the top is also a platic sheet with stops names and colors printed on it and little tiffany copper ribbon as contact plates. All this is connected to a keyboard, only the controller remained, of course. Now, each key allows only one switch. Thats why one-switch-keys (without modifiers) are very welcomed.

(The GUI of the VPOs are modified to black (off, no light goes through the membrane) or white (on, the stop is lighten) and give a visual signal through the membran, to verify if the stop is off or on).


  • Lars Palo

    Lars Palo - 2014-07-20

    This is possible to do on an additional panel - there's no menu or toolbar visible then and you can size the panel just to fit the display. Of course it requires ODF work instead of just hitting say a function key (like F11 to toggle titlebar, menu and toolbar on/off) though.

    Kind regards

    Lars P

  • Martin Koegler

    Martin Koegler - 2014-07-20

    Getting rid of the manu on the main panel could be a dangerous feature [for some user groups] - you hit (accidentially) a key and the elements to control GO are gone. Additionally a panel is only full screen for users with suiteable screen resolutions [screen resoultion <= panel size - both have the same aspect ratio].

    My recommendation would also be using an additional panel.

  • CatOrg

    CatOrg - 2014-07-20

    Thanks for answer, I understand the hesitation about hit-key. This possibility could be subject to authorization in the odf file, I suppose in the first section, like FullScreenKey= (nothing per default, or wished combination).
    Tweaking the odf doesnt make me any fear (I manage lilypond and some bash scriting) but the panel solution is not useful (it seems) since this allow only standard buttons. And for my aim I need full sized, totally black or white buttons. Or do I miss smthg? I will port the complementary question in magle anyway.

  • CatOrg

    CatOrg - 2014-07-20

    ... and panels come with a bigger frame on the top, too

    • Lars Palo

      Lars Palo - 2014-07-20

      Yes, the frame titlebar is still visible but there are other ways to either make it smaller (adjust/change the desktop theme) or even hide it completely (might need some tweaking as the GO application don't allow to make use of the maximize button which otherwise can be used to trigger hiding of the frame titlebar).

      You can control the actual layout of the additional panel in every way by using custom graphics so there shouldn't be a problem either to make it black and white.

      Kind regards

      Lars P

  • CatOrg

    CatOrg - 2014-07-20

    I am not a genious,,, :-(
    Can you have any element on a panel? I had a look at your Pitea, looks better, but I would also need setter elements (like actual general, divisional, swellers etc). And since modifying a big odf is a huge job, I prefer ask first... What kind of tweaks to let disappear the T-bar?


    Last edit: CatOrg 2014-07-20