
Open Set Top Box / News: Recent posts

ACPI Suspend supported

A new release of ost-box is out ! It adds an interface to ACPI suspend, so that it is now possible to make the box shutdown when user leave and have it wake up automatically for next record.

The lirc part was also improved, with the possibility to connect to multiple lirc daemon and to provide a filtered lirc proxy to legacy lirc application.

Posted by ludovic p 2007-04-13

Recorder added

The 0.3.5 pre-release of OST-Box now includes a TV recorder.
Records can be programmed either in the recorder page (new record), or directly in the TV program guide browser.
The record interacts nicely with the built-in TV viewer and can even work when ost-box is not running.

Posted by ludovic p 2007-02-16

Music player improvments

A pre-release for next version is available.
The music player was improved, with random mode, playlist loading/saving facility.

Posted by ludovic p 2007-02-02

Bugfixes release against 0.3.2

Some important bugs appeared in last version, so I decided to make a bugfixe only release from the current CVS (it will be The bugs fixed include crash at startup, 100% cpu consommation of the media-helper, compilation failure against newer SDL.

However, this release also includes some new code for the 0.3.3 version. So this may as well introduce subtle bugs... Please report any problem !

Posted by ludovic p 2007-01-15

Added internal video player with alpha-blended OSD

The 0.3.2 release is out !
It includes a new internal video player, with alpha blended OSD. A new mecanism was also introduced to prepare for recording and timeshifting support...

Posted by ludovic p 2006-12-07

0.3.1 release

0.3.1 is finally out.

Lots of change were made from 0.3.0:
- XML-TV support was added
- The channel browser was improved
- Translations were updated
- Translation system was simplified
- bug fixes, ...

From the latest pre-release : A race condition in external tool handling was fixed. Translations were updated.

OST-Box is looking for contributors ! If you think you can help or you have ideas, post on the mailing list :

Posted by ludovic p 2006-09-18

Second pre-release for 0.3.1

A new pre-release for 0.3.1 is available.

From the last pre-release, a spanish translation was added (thanks to Orlando Hernández San Ginés) and a bug concerning external tool execution was fixed.
The channel selector behaviour can now be configured (a new TV configuration menu was added for this purpose).

Posted by ludovic p 2006-07-31

pre-release of version 0.3.1

The new version introduces xmltv support.
Some minor things are left to be done (higlight of the current channel, automatic follow in the channel browser), but it is in an usable state (at least for me ...)

Posted by ludovic p 2006-07-21

Version 0.3 released

From the last pre-release, webradio and tv support have been improved (stability issue), and some
bugs related to external program handling have been fixed.

Posted by ludovic p 2006-07-13

Pre-release of 0.3.0 is available

This version will introduce a new plugin to watch TV and listen to radio. It relies on external viewers (for exemple mplayer, xawtv, ...).
It has support for browsing channels accross any number of tuners, and is able to cooperate with background recorders (it can avoid to start a player on a used tuner).

Posted by ludovic p 2006-07-06

New forum

I just installed a new phpBB forum to replace the current default forum.

Posted by ludovic p 2006-07-01