
#99 Osmo just beeps: Failed to send notification

v1.0 (example)

Hi All,


This is critical to me: I need my task pop ups working again as I have a lot of important stuff in it.

I just upgraded (wipe and fresh install) from Scientific Linux 6.7 (RHEL clone) to SL 7.1. This problem is duplicated under both Osmo 0.2.12 and 0.2.14 on SL 7.1 and Osmo 0.2.12 on Fedora 21 by a friend on comp.os.linux.misc.

When I get my VM's working again, I can test on Fedora 22, if you need me to.

When Osmo starts, it beeps a lot. None of my popups appear. The beeps go off every minute.

I think the problem is caused by a missing dependancy in both the "make config" and Nux's specfile. Possibly the newer "notify-send" is corked.

$ cat /etc/redhat-release
Scientific Linux release 7.1 (Nitrogen)

$ uname -r

$ rpm -qa osmo

$ yum whatprovides notify-send
Loaded plugins: langpacks
libnotify-0.7.5-7.el7.x86_64 : Desktop notification library
Repo : sl
Matched from:
Filename : /usr/bin/notify-send

$ rpm -qa *libnotify*

When run Osmo from the command line, I get this:

(osmo:14354): WARNING : Failed to send notification

(osmo:14354): WARNING : Failed to send notification

(osmo:14354): WARNING : Failed to send notification
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/osmo/alarm.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little
Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono
Playing WAVE '/usr/share/sounds/osmo/alarm.wav' : Signed 16 bit Little
Endian, Rate 22050 Hz, Mono

Many thanks,


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  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-08-26

    Just installed it in Fedora 22. It is working fine. So this is isolated to Scientific Linux 7.1

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-08-31

    Xfce had me run the following test to see if the problem was libnotify or Osmo:

    notify-send Test "I'm a test."

    The test worked.

    Would you please consider sending me a notify-send test mimicking one of Osmo's popups to test? Maybe it can throw some error codes that will shead light on the problem.

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-09-04

    Hi Todd,

    Osmo sends notifications as

    notify-send -u normal -i /usr/share/icons/gnome/48x48/status/stock_dialog-warning.png summary "test text"

    plus some extra actions (notify-send does not support this).

    • Todd

      Todd - 2015-09-04

      Hi Maxim,

      The notify-send worked perfectly.

      Can you send me a test of the "extra actions" you mentioned?

      Also note that my "Contacts" tab is permantetly missing. (A reboot use to get it back after closing and reopening Osmo, but no longer.) Maybe this has somethig to do with it.

      And, or course, everything works perfectly on my Fedora 22 virtual machine.

      One guy on the comp.os.linux.misc group reproduced my problem on Fedora 21

      And I reproduced the issue on my virtual machine of Scientific Linux 6.1 Live DVD.

      It also reproduce with a fresh .osmo

      Is there an debug trace you can have me run?


  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-12

    Created a new user profile. Its Contacts tab is also missing.

    Is there any debug profile you can send me to run?

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-09-13

    Hi Todd,

    Just occured to me - you are building Osmo 0.2.14 youself. Could you check do you build it with Contacts support.

    Look for the lines in you build log such as:
    Enabled modules:

    Calendar:           yes (always)
    Tasks:              yes
    Contacts:           yes (HTML renderer is required)


    As for the sound problems - they have nothing to do with notifications - Osmo plays the sounds with a command you can configure in Preferences->General->Sound player. Make sure you are using something unrelated to WineHQ (that problem from comp.os.linux.misc you mentioned) - like 'play' from sox package (

    Hope this helps.


  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-13

    Hi Maxim,

    "Contacts" worked in SL7.1 for about a week. Each time I had to "quit" to stop the endless beeping without a pop up every minute and then restart it to look something up, the Contacts would dissappear. Reboot brought Contacts back. Then after about a week of this, it stopped. Then again, I had compiled, SRPM'ed, switched between 0.2.12 and 0.2.14 trying to fix the beep and no pop up problem.

    The RPM am using is:

    I rebuilt the same SRPM for Fedora 22 with
    rpmbuild --rebuild osmo-0.2.14-1.el7.nux.src.rpm
    where it has no problems with either Contacts and proper tasks pop ups.

    I also rebuild the above for SL7.1. This from my rpmbuild log (I will attach it):

    checking for LIBNOTIFY... yes
    checking for LIBWEBKIT... yes

    Prefix:             /usr
    Debug enabled:      no
    Backup support:     no (libgringotts and libarchive are required)
    Printing support:   yes
    HTML renderer:      webkit

    Enabled modules:

    Calendar:           yes (always)
    Tasks:              yes
    Contacts:           yes (HTML renderer is required)
    Notes:              yes

    Optional features:

    gtkspell:           yes
    libical:            yes
    libnotify:          yes
    libarchive:         no
    libgringotts:       yes



    Last edit: Todd 2015-09-13
  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-13

    rpmbuild --rebuild osmo-0.2.14-1.el7.nux.src.rpm > build.log 2>&1

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-19

    Is there any way to put a trace on were the decision is made to show the Contacts tabs?

    • Maxim Gordienko

      Maxim Gordienko - 2015-09-21

      Hi Todd,

      The Contacts tab is shown if Osmo was build with the Contacts support, unconditionally.

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-09-19

    Hi Todd,

    What do you mean? At the build time or the run time?
    Contacts are build according to your logs.
    At the runtime - I cannot imagine why they disappear.

    I am trying to repreduce your problem...
    It works on my distribution even from your SRPM,
    installing SL7 and will try there.
    Sorry it taking quite a long time...


  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-09-19


    Could you please check your Preference->General->Hide.
    Do you have Contacts unchecked before and after you experience the problem?


  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-20

    Screenshot of Preferences General (while it beeped away)

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-09-21

    Hi Todd,

    I was unable to reproduce the problem on fresh install of Fedora 22.
    Build Osmo 0.2.14 from your SRPM. aplay from alsa-utils was used to play sounds.
    Notifications were sent via libnotify-0.7.6.
    On SL7.1 I was not able to build Osmo with webkit support since libwebkit1 is missing from the vanila SL repositories. So - no Contacts in SL.

    I noticed there is a new(?) option in Tasks preferences tab to beep every minute (default interval).
    Check it, may be this is a cause for you trobles.


    • Todd

      Todd - 2015-09-21

      Hi Max,

      The beeps are probably acting a normal. There is no pop up to go with it,

      I had no trouble at all in FC22. Same as you.

      I had no trouble building in SL7.1.

      I can not find anything called "libwebkit1" in EL7 or FC22.

      The spec file has "BuildRequires: webkitgtk-devel". Was that what you were looking for?

      Would you send me the error you got?

      I will attach the spec file



      Last edit: Todd 2015-09-21
  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-21

    It occures to me that there may be a missing "webkit" dependancy. What exactly are you using/requiring?

    $ rpm -qa *webkit*

    • Maxim Gordienko

      Maxim Gordienko - 2015-09-22

      Hi Todd,

      It is probably webkitgtk-2.2.4-1.el7.x86_64.
      I did not find it in standard repository, did you add something custom?

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-23

    Hi Maxim,

    Why are you able to eMail me and I can't write back?

    Yes, it is in EPEL: EPEL is for packages in Fedora that they left out of EL

    $ yum whatprovides webkitgtk
    webkitgtk-2.2.4-1.el7.x86_64 : GTK+ Web content engine library
    Repo : epel

    $ yum whatprovides epel-release
    epel-release-7-5.noarch : Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux repository
    : configuration
    Repo : sl
    Repo : sl-rolling

    1) install EPEL repo (as root):
    yum install epel-release

    2) install webkitgtk (as root)
    yum install webkitgtk webkitgtk-devel

    If yum can not find epel (I don't remember if it come enabled),
    yum --enablerepo=epel* install webkitgtk



    Last edit: Todd 2015-09-23
  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-09-29

    Anything I can test or assist with ?

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-10-03

    Hi Todd,

    I ran Osmo 0.2.14 for a week on a fresh SL7.1 installation. With webkit from epel.
    I cannot reproduce the issue. It runs just like in Fedora.
    I had installed only the core Gnome + development packages (choosen at the installation time) and the Osmo build dependencies. Nothing else.

    I think, most likely, you problems are due to some other package interference.



  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-10-03

    Mine was a fresh installation too. Bummer.

    When osmo starts, is there something that osmo checks for to see if Contacts should be activated or not?

    In preferences+gui.c, line 94-97 (took out the pound sign so this would mistake it for a bold mark)

    label = gtk_notebook_get_tab_label (GTK_NOTEBOOK (appGUI->notebook), GTK_WIDGET (appGUI->cnt->vbox));
    gtk_label_set_angle (GTK_LABEL (label), angle);
    endif / CONTACTS_ENABLED /

    Same on contacts_preferences_gui.c, line 29

    Where does CONTACTS_ENABLED come from?

    How can I see if a running osmo has this switch thrown? Where is it checked when osmo starts?


    Last edit: Todd 2015-10-03
  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-10-03

    in config.h
    This is a compile time macro. If osmo is compiled with it - it is there.

    • Todd

      Todd - 2015-10-04

      What am I looking at (config.h, lines 7 and 8)?

      / Contacts module enabled /
      / #undef CONTACTS_ENABLED /

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-10-04

    Yippee! I figured it out!

    This is what I did. I copied SL7's osmo (osmo.sl7) into a network share with my Fedora 22 virtual machine. When I ran osmo.sl7 in FC22, I got to Contacts, just like in SL7. So curious, I copied FC22's
    osmo (osmo.fc22) to the network share and ran it from SL7.

    Guess what? There is a missing dependency: libical

    So I went into the source tar ball for 0.2.14 and did a (# is root's prompt):

    make uninstall

    Then to make sure osmo was completely gone, I did an:

    rpm -e osmo

    Of course, the source and the rpm have to use different paths: bad dog!

    Then I downloaded and rebuilt FC22's libical as there are none for EL7 ( and installed it:

    rpmbuild --rebuild libical-1.0.1-1.fc22.src.rpm

    rpm -ivh libical-1.0.1-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

    Please note that after installing libical, that osmo.fc22 starting showing Contacts in SL7.1

    Then I did a rebuild of Nux's SRPM:

    rpmbuild --rebuild osmo-0.2.14-1.el7.nux.src.rpm

    rpm -ivh osmo-0.2.14-1.el7.x86_64.rpm

    And problem solved.

    So, with out further fanfare, this is the bug I have found for you to fix:

    The dependency for libical is missing from your build tests.

    (I will ask nux to include it in his spec file too.)

    Thank you for all the help and support in narrowing this down!


  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-10-04

    " When I ran osmo.sl7 in FC22, I got to Contacts" shold have been " When I ran osmo.sl7 in FC22, I got NO Contacts" . Stinking typoes

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