
#90 "done" doesn't work

v1.0 (example)

$ rpm -qa *osmo*

Would you guys please fix this for me?

I have a task set to go off every Wednesday. I have Postpone time set to 240 minutes. I have Recurrent Task set to Enable. I have data period set to 7 days. I have Repeat in the followng days set to Wednesday.

Problem: when I click done, the task keeps going off every 240 minutes FOREVER!

Many thanks,


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  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-05-17

    Hi Todd,

    Could you please clarify which Done button do you click?
    The one in the notification bubble, or the checkbox in the Tasks table?



  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-05-17

    When the alarm goes off, a black box pops up with the alarms message. A the bottom right of the black box there is a "done" button (more like just lettering) to press.

    I may know what was causing this. I had originally checked off all the days. Then later decided I only wanted Wednesday. But after the Wednesday alarm went off, it would not stop going off.

    I have since deleted the alarm and reenter it. We will see this coming Wednesday what happens

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-05-20

    Hi Todd,

    Any news on your issue?

    • Todd

      Todd - 2015-05-21

      I will know tomorrow, as I definitely pressed "done" a few minuted ago. Also, my Sales Taxed reminder that is suppose to go off on the 19th of every month keeps going off. I will have to remake that one too and see.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-05-24

    The rebuild without checking all the days worked (just Wednesday). So if you check off all the days and save the event, then go back and change your mind, all the days stay active, even though they don't show.

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-05-24

    Hi Todd,

    There are changes in the task notification coming in the next Osmo version.
    I believe they fix you problem.

    Thank you for reporting the issue!

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-06-12

    Okay, after erasing and recreating my Trash to the Curb note to go off every Wednesday and setting recurrence to every 7 days, it alarmed as directed the first time and dutifully stayed off when "done" was pressed. But the second week after it went off, "done" doesn't have an effect. It goes off and off and off every 240 minutes, which was my postpone time.

  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2015-06-16

    Hi Todd,

    I rechecked the notification changes - the issue should be fixed.

    Thanks for reporting it.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-12-03

    Hi Maxim,

    0.2.14. Done still is not done. I have check done on my Heath Instarance and my Trash to the Curb tasks three times now: once per day. No joy. Eventually the pop ups will stop. I beleive it takes about 5 times to stop.

    Anything I can do to help troubleshoot?

    Many thasnk,

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-12-15

    Got promptyed to take the trash out on Wednesday (the right day), Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday. So far today (Tuesday), it has been quiet.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2015-12-29

    got some clues that might help:

    Today is Tuesday.

    On boot up this morning I got three task pop up notifications:

    1) "Trash to Curb": goes off every Wednesday. But it goes off everyday after the first wednesday, even though it is set to repeat every 7 days. "Done" doesn't work.

    2) "Sales Taxes": set to go off on the 19th of the month and repeat every month. I have been pressing "Remind me later" (240 minutes) for several days. I had pressed "Done" this morning at ~02:00 before shutting the machine down for the night. "Done" doesn't work here either.

    3) "Trrrash test". Same as "Trash to Carab" except only "Wednesday" is checked off. "Done" doesn't work on this either.

    Here is the clue:

    A) I pressed done after postponing past night night on all three over sever days.

    B) I pressed "Done" on all three after midnight this morning before I shutdown for the night.

    C) After pressing "Done" today after firing the machine back up, all three popped back up and I pressed "Done" again. BBBBBBBBBUUUUUUTTTTTT, now this is interesting, after pressing "Done" I got and additional notification for the same task at a different location on the screen and pressed "Done" again. Each of the three had a second pop up.

    I really, really need this fixed. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance in the precess.

  • Todd

    Todd - 2016-01-04

    Hi All,

    Osmo 0.2.14
    Scientific Linux 7.1, x64

    Ah Ha!

    On my repeating tasks, "Done isn't Done". Each day, after I boot back up, they keep coming back and back and back and back. Sometimes I get multiple prompts for the same tasks that did not respond to "Done".

    And I figured it out. Osmo is not flushing its RAM to its database file on the hard drive when Xfce issues its shutdown command.

    Now Osmo finally has something to reproduce and fix. I would love it is he decided to flush ever 5 minutes after a change or whenever the window is minimized, as does
    Notes ( And, flush when it gets the shutdown signal from Xfce.

    The work around is to manually shut Osmo down before issuing the Xfce shutdown command.

    Of course, you will have to manually restart Osmo when you boot back up. And one wonders how many tasks I will miss by not remembering. You could always put Osmo inbto your start up, but if you forget to manually shut Osmo down before Shutdown, two copies will start and if you don't pay real close attention to the warnings, you will corrupted your database.


  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2016-01-04

    Hi Todd!

    Thank you very much for such detailed analysis!
    I submitted the preliminary fix for the Done button. Now, if you have enabled the option "Save data after every notification" (in Preferences-General) the task list will be flushed to disk after you click on the button.
    You can grab the new version from SVN trunk and build it from sources.

    I will look at a more general solution - flushing all data before the program termination (graceful or not).

    Thank you again for reporting and investigating the issue!


  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2016-01-08

    Hi Todd,

    I implemented the state saving upon Osmo termination.
    Now it should save your tasks no matter what.

    Did it solve your problem?


    • Todd

      Todd - 2016-01-08

      Hi Max,

      I haven't had a chance yet.

      Is there directions out there some where on how to compile the SVN?

      How soon will the next release be?


  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2016-01-18

    Hi Todd,

    to compile Osmo from svn follow these steps:
    svn checkout svn://
    ./ (you need autoconf for that)
    make dist

    You will get the osmo-0.2.14.tar.gz archive which you can use in your SRPM.


  • Todd

    Todd - 2016-05-29

    Hi Maxim,

    Even with last weeks SVN, "done" still isn't "done". I have to exit and restart Osmo after pressing "done" to get it to take on my recurring alarms: trash day (every Wednesday) and sales taxes (every 22nd of the month)


  • Maxim Gordienko

    Maxim Gordienko - 2016-05-31

    Hi Todd,

    I think I finally found the root cause. Please check the latest SVN version.

    Thanks for being persistent on the resolution!


    • Todd

      Todd - 2016-06-17

      Thank you. Just got a chance to recompile it. Now we wait and see!

  • Todd

    Todd - 2016-07-06

    Recompiled it. Now I am noticing that if I hit remind me later too many times, I start getting pop ups and have to press "done" several times. Exiting and restarting "seems" to correct it. I think, but am not certain, that if the machine is off when the remind period expires, that the pop ups might start backing up.

    • Maxim Gordienko

      Maxim Gordienko - 2016-10-09

      Hi Todd,

      I finally found some time to look closer at the Osmo notifications.
      Indeed I found some irregularities with the reminder.
      I did some major overhaul of the notification system, now the issues you described here (including the last one with the repetitive reminders) are gone.
      If you are still interested, please grab the latest SVN version and give it a try.

      Hope it will finaly resolve this bug.


  • Todd

    Todd - 2016-10-15

    Hi Max,

    I just compiled it up and created an RPM. Now we wait and see!

    Thank you for helping me with this. I have become to rely on Osmo a great deal.


  • Todd

    Todd - 2016-11-11

    Hi Max,

      I still have to exit and restart Osmo to get "done" to take.  :-(


    • Maxim Gordienko

      Maxim Gordienko - 2016-11-13

      Hi Todd,

      Sorry it did not work out.

      Could you please check something for me?
      Do you see any message in the X error log looking like this:

      (osmo:1536): WARNING : Failed to send notification

      the error log will be ~/.xsession-errors or in the terminal window if you start Osmo from a console.

      I found an issue in the postponed notifications code. The latest version in trunk deals with it and also adds some helpful diagnostics if the notification cannot be displayed.

      Could you give it a try?


  • Todd

    Todd - 2016-11-15

    This is what appears in a command window.

    It says "NOT SANDBOXED" until I right click on the head in the tak bar to exit the program

    $ osmo

    (osmo:8578): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_window_get_root_coords: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

    (osmo:8578): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_window_get_root_coords: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

    (osmo:8578): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_window_get_root_coords: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

    (osmo:8578): Gdk-CRITICAL **: IA__gdk_window_get_root_coords: assertion 'GDK_IS_WINDOW (window)' failed

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