
long message segmentation bug(s)

  • Anders Nygren

    Anders Nygren - 2005-07-19

    I am looking at the new version in CVS and there is a bug
    in the handling of messages longer than 160 bytes when
    using segmentation.

    The msg_ref_num is defined to be 2 bytes but

    gen_esme_session:handle_sync_event(reference_number, _From, SName, SData)

    does not wrap the reference_number when it reaches

    A more teoretical problems with the segmentation code are.

    If the session restarted the reference_number is reset,
    or when the reference_number wraps, there is a risk
    of reusing the same reference_number to the same
    destination before the previous messages with the
    same reference number have been delivered to the MSE.

    If several sessions are used to send to the same SMSC the
    same problem could happen. (Not sure if that is allowed.)

    /Anders Nygren

    • Enrique Marcote Peńa

      You are absolutely right.  The reference_number needs to be wrapped.  Thanks a lot ;-) we were about to put this in production.

      As I understand, the reference_number is in the session scope.  If the session is restarted (dropped and another one created), then you are in a different session, thus, restarting the counter seems OK.  The same applies if we have two different sessions with the same SMSC, each one has its own reference_number.  I don't see a problem there.

      Version 1.2 is coming soon with some neat changes.  Hope you like them.


    • Anders Nygren

      Anders Nygren - 2005-07-20

      Yes, that makes sense, the reference number should be session specific.

      I am still a little worried about using the same reference number on different messages to the same destination
      after the counter has wrapped.

      I am working on a project where we will send several million
      messages during the night for delivery during the day, using
      scheduled_delivery. So the counter will wrap 50-100 times
      per day.

      But I will wait and see if it is a real problem before I start
      making things more complicated than they have to be.


    • Anders Nygren

      Anders Nygren - 2005-07-21

      Another thing I noticed in the CVS version is that it is always using ?SM_MAX_SIZE and ?SEGMENT_MAX_SIZE.

      Depending on the data_coding, 7-bit or 8-bit, the values of ?SM_MAX_SIZE and ?SEGMENT_MAX_SIZE are not the same.
      Since It is possible to use different data_coding in different messages it is necessary to use different values for ?SM_MAX_SIZE and ?SEGMENT_MAX_SIZE depending on the data_coding.

      Using the smallest values for ?SM_MAX_SIZE and ?SEGMENT_MAX_SIZE leads to sending more messages than are really necessary, which increases the costs.


      • Enrique Marcote Peńa

        I see.  I'll be better to set them as setup values.  Thanks for your feedback.

    • Anders Nygren

      Anders Nygren - 2005-07-22

      Having them as configuration parameters are not enough.
      Since it is possible to send messages with different data_coding on the same session, for example, some messages with 7-bit text and some with 8-bit binary data.

      So ideally the segmentation code would check the data_coding parameter in the SMPP PDU and depending on if it is a 7 or 8 bit use the correct SM_MAX_SIZE and SEGMENT_MAX_SIZE.

      This only becomes a problem with messages longer than ~1K, and I dont think it will be a problem for me this year.


    • Anders Nygren

      Anders Nygren - 2005-07-22

      Quique wrote:
      >As I understand, the reference_number is in the session
      >scope. If the session is restarted (dropped and another one
      >created), then you are in a different session, thus, restarting
      >the counter seems OK. The same applies if we have two
      >different sessions with the same SMSC, each one has its
      >own reference_number. I don't see a problem there.

      Unfortunately this is not correct, see

      Apparently the reference number relates to {SourceAddr,DestAddr} so it is necessary to remember the reference numbers used between sessions, and if several sessions are used for sending messages with the same SourceAddress they must be aware of each other so they dont use the same reference number for messages to the same DestAddr.



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