
#97 File-Properties-window readability


Version: 5.4.3 RC3

a) In the "File|Properties" window, long filepaths aren't shown completely.

What might work well:
- Always show at-least the filename.
- some dots, "..." (probably in the middle of the path, as both the beginning and end can be important).
- horizontally-resizable window.

b) The seven fields below are slightly off-center, and are harder to read (just for me) than the former gray-color fields (now white).

2 Attachments


  • MikeDNC

    MikeDNC - 2013-09-18

    Last edit: MikeDNC 2013-09-18
  • MikeDNC

    MikeDNC - 2013-09-19

    Last edit: MikeDNC 2013-10-28
  • orwelldevcpp

    orwelldevcpp - 2013-10-27

    Work in progress:
    - Fixed the alignment issues of the seven white* boxes.
    - The dropdown box now prints file names only instead of full paths plus file names.
    - The "Absolute" field is unchanged, but making that shorter isn't really useful.
    - I've have the whole form about 50px by 50px bigger.
    - File size is now pretty printed in bytes/KiB/MiB/etc instead of a number.

    *I've replaced the non-copyable bold text by readonly edit boxes so users can copy the provided data. It's quite useful.

  • orwelldevcpp

    orwelldevcpp - 2013-10-27
    • status: open --> pending
    • assigned_to: orwelldevcpp
  • orwelldevcpp

    orwelldevcpp - 2013-10-27
    • status: pending --> fixed
  • orwelldevcpp

    orwelldevcpp - 2013-10-27

    Considering this fixed for now.

  • MikeDNC

    MikeDNC - 2013-10-28

    That all looks practical.
    Yes, the 'Absolute' field can be dragged with the cursor to be completely viewed. Would it be hard to implement a horizontally-resizable window, that remembers the size? Then the user could be ultimately convenienced, if they e.g. tend to have long paths on their projects.


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