Robin Vobruba - 2011-06-08

Hey! :-)
I would like to know what you think about changing to a distributed SCM like git, mercurial or bazaar.
I work on the Spring RTS game engine and a few smaller open source projects. Spring and most of the others have moved from SVN to git (most using github as host), and it had quite some positive effects.
In my eyes, DSCM is a must for open source. it makes live easier for both project maintainers and contributors, especially for new contributors. The project managers gain back some control, as they can limit push access to the main repo to very few trusted people, and still everyone can work on the code in a clean way (committing things nicely right from the start), without having to apply for and prove them selfs to the project managers.
Conversion is quite easy. You basically need a text file that maps SVN-account names to git-signatures plus the SVN repo. then you run that through svn2git, and you are done. i can give assistance or even do it all by myself, if you like. you can then checkout the result on my github account, and disprove or approve it, and clone it to your own git repo (for example on github).
