
OR.NET - .NET O/R Mapper /Code Generator / News: Recent posts

Stored Procedure Support

Stored Procedures are finally supported. Just right click on the class in the TreeView, and go from there.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2008-04-20

Beta 2 Coming

I'm currently working on the Beta 2 for 6.0 which will feature Stored Procedure capabilities. Expect this in a week or so.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2008-03-31

New Release Out

Version 5.3 is now out, and solves all bugs I am aware of. Please feel free to email me if you find any new ones:

Posted by Adam Rackis 2008-03-05

BUG in current release

Somehow a bug I already fixed got into my 5.1 release last night. I'll have this fixed and updated tonight. Sorry about that.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2008-03-04

New Release Coming Soon

I will be releasing a new version of OR.NET that will have its code generation done in CodeDom, which will allow me to generate code in VB.NET as well as C#.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2008-02-25

Known Issues

As before, if you have any views with errors on it, OR.NET will error out.

Also, if you use it with SQL Server 2000, it may create a class for dtproperties.

This second error will be fixed with the upcoming release, the first one might be.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2008-02-10

OR.NET 5.0 Released

Version 5.0 is now released. This release sharply cuts down on the amount of generated code. Unfortunately, some of these changes will break code working with previous versions of OR.NET, but for the most part it should be an easy transition if you decide to upgrade.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-12-10

New Release Coming

I'll be putting out a new release soon. The code generation in it will be much smoother, and have a much smaller footprint. In chopping down the code size, I made a few changes that will break code using previous OR.NET projects, but they should all be compile-time errors, fairly easy to fix, and fairly small in number.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-12-09

Known Issues

I just discovered that if you have a view with an error in it in your DBMS, the auto-gen feature will fail rather ungracefully. I will fix this in a future release, but for now just fix any broken views you have :)

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-28

OR.NET 4.5 Released

Once again, a few minor fixes. Even if you were running ok before, I would upgrade to this version - there was one bug that will only very rarely come up, and will cause some child objects not to be updated - again, very rare, but this release should fix it.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-28

OR.NET 4.4 Released

Version 4.4 fixes a few connection errors from 4.3 Functionally, they are identical. If 4.3 is working fine, then there's really no reason to upgrade. If you run into problems with 4.3, then 4.4 should fix them.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-15

New Bug, New Release

Looks like there are a few other connection scenarios I didn't think of that cause exceptions. I will be putting a new release out tonight fixing them.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-14

Known Issues

I just discovered that if you have a view with an error in it in your DBMS, the auto-gen feature will fail rather ungracefully. I will fix this in a future release, but for now just fix any broken views you have :)

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-06


I see there are a whole ton of people downloading version 4.3. Thanks to everyone giving this software a shot. Please be sure to email me if you have any problems with it.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-06

Bug fix - Release 4.3 out

There was a small bug with the auto-generation with non-express versions of SQL Server 2005, caused by the sysdiagrams table. The new release should solve it.

Please email me if anyone finds any other bugs.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-06

Bug Found

Some of you may have been getting a KeyNotFound exception if you tried to auto-gen the class structure. Apparently sysdiagrams was sneaking in there somehow, and messing everything up. I should have a new release out tomorrow.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-11-05

OR.NET 4.1 Fix Released

I discovered a few bugs in v4.0 thanks to you guys. This release should fix all of them. Please keep those bug reports coming. Fixes in this release include:

Was picking up system generated views on *some* servers, which was causing a KeyNotFoundException. All tables / views that start with sys will be ignored

Added some error handling for reading / writing the config file

Fixed a few other small things.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-10-30

A few bugs

Looks like there are still a few minor bugs in version 4. I'll clean these up tonight, and re-release. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-10-29

OR.NET 4.0 Released

OR.NET 4.0 is out. Features / Fixes include:

*Automatic* generation of code based on your database's metadata - it's about time!

Optimistic Locking.

Complete overhaul of generated code - MUCH smaller footprint - lots moved to a single abstract base class.

Huge improvement in handling foreign keys - you should never have to manually assign a foreign key, ever.

Other small bugs fixed here and there.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-10-29

OR.NET version 4.0 coming soon

I'm putting the finishing touches on version 4.0 This will be a huge upgrade from persious versions, including a huge refactoring of the generated code (same functionality in less space), **auto-generation of class structure from DBMS**, and much more.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-10-22

New Release Coming Soon!!!!!!!

OR.NET 4.0 will be out in a few weeks. First and foremost I've added the ability to automatically generate your class structure from you database schema (SQL Server only). I've also added a long overdue "Dirty state" which tracks whether or not an object has been updated - to avoid un-needed DB calls. Some of the other features will include:

Much cleaner generated code - I really went through and did a lot of cutting / refactoring... read more

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-10-17

OR.NET Now Supports Oracle and DB2.

The headline says it all. Dan Essin has been good enough to write an Oracle, and DB2 module for this application.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-01-29

OR.NET 3.0 Released

OR.NET is a .NET 2.0 object relational O/R persistence / OR Mapper. It has a simple GUI (with compr. documentation), creates a robust data access layer supporting CRUD, transactions, both foreign-key and mapping table relationships etc, in stand-alone, fully modifiable C# 2.0

I have finally released the new version of OR.NET. This version offers significant upgrades over v 2.3

Major revisions include a complete overhaul of the backend responsible for reading database metadata into a provider pattern, with modules for Oracle, and DB2 coming very soon. ... read more

Posted by Adam Rackis 2007-01-15

New Release Coming VERY Soon

I will be putting out a huge upgrade in a week or two. It will support more DBMSs, and fix a slew of bugs. Thanks for being patient.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-12-27

BUG - FIX Version 2.3

My apologies - version 2.2 had a small but significant bug in it, in the composite collections forms. It is now fixed.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-11-17