
OR.NET - .NET O/R Mapper /Code Generator / News: Recent posts


Wow, 5,000 downloads! Thank you to everyone who has downloaded my application and given it a try. I'm always looking for feedback - good or bad:

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-11-15

Don't Download Version 2.1

SourceForge keeps displaying version 2.1 as my most recent release - it's not - 2.2 is. 2.2 has a few bug fixes from 2.1. You may have to refresh your browser a few times to get it.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-11-14

OR.NET Version 2.2 OUT

I have released version 2.2 which contains a few small bug fixes from version 2.1. For some reason sourforge likes to keep displaying version 2.1 as the most recent. Just keep refreshing your browser until you get 2.2.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-11-14

Version 3.0

I will be changing the back end of this application to a provider pattern. This will allow me to support more types of databases. Look for this release in 2-3 weeks.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-11-01


Wow. 1,000 downloads. I would like to thank everyone who has downloaded my application, and encourage anyone who has feedback to send it my way.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-26

New GUI for Release 2.0

I have made significant upgrades to the GUI for the 2.0 release. The new GUI is much more attractive, and functional.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-26

OR.NET Version 1.6 Released

New version will allow you to have OR.NET manage your foreign keys automatically.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-20

Version 1.6 On The Way

I am currently working on version 1.6. This release will give you the option of having OR.NET automatically manage your foreign key dependencies. In other words, if you assign an address object to a person object, your foreign key would be automatically updated.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-17

Version 1.5 Released

In spite of what I wrote previously, this release did not automate foreign key management for BCNF decompositions. Instead, I optimized the connection management of the generated code. Version 1.6 will address the BCNF issue. Stay tuned!

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-16

Version 1.5 Coming Soon

My next update to this project will be to automate the management of BCNF foreign key relationships. I am hoping to have this out this weekend.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-13

Version 1.4 Released

This version has fixed a null reference bug caused by nullable attributes.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-12

Version 1.4 Coming Very Soon

I am in the process of fixing a bug with composite objects specified through nullable attributes. I expect the release to be out Wed. or Thurs.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-11

Still Looking for Feedback

Wow. There have been over 200 downloads of my latest release in the last day. I'm still eagerly looking for any sort of feedback from people who have used this application.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-09

OR.NET Version 1.3 Now Released

I have improved the functionality for persisting composite objects. Users can now specify that they only want mapping tables updated. Not a huge update, but I have a lot more coming down the pipe.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-09

OR.NET Version 1.3 Coming Soon

I will be adding expanded flexibility for cascading updates in version 1.3, due out in the middle of next week.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-06 Website Now Up.

The website is now operational. You can get there through the home page link above, or through:

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-05

Looking for Feedback

I see there have been a lot of downloads of my application. I'd love to hear any feedback anyone might have.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-04

New Release: Version 1.2 Now Available

Support for nullable types has been added. Now you can transparently deal with data from DB columns which may contain null.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-03

Version 1.2 Coming Soon!

I will be adding support for nullable types - release should be out by the middle of next week.

Posted by Adam Rackis 2006-10-01