

  • ted creedon

    ted creedon - 2006-06-11

    How is this used to import visio files?


    • Kevin M. Owen

      Kevin M. Owen - 2006-06-11

      First, export your Visio model to XML using Orthogonal Toolbox, available from

      After that, all you need to do is open that XML file in Visual Studio, and it should automatically be converted and opened by NORMA. To be able to save that file, you will need to do a 'Save As' first. We require this so that users don't accidentally save over their original copy of the model without realizing it.

      • ted creedon

        ted creedon - 2006-06-11

        When in a ORM project the file>open just opens the xml file. No ORM conversion.

        If its added to the solution the open with ORM designer doesn't convert it either.


        • Kevin M. Owen

          Kevin M. Owen - 2006-06-11

          My apologies, I forgot to mention one of the required steps.
          In the Open File dialog, select the XML file exported from Visio. Then, click on the down arrow glyph on the right of the "Open" button. Select "Open With...", and a list of different editors should appear. Select "ORM Designer" from this list, and press "OK".

          • ted creedon

            ted creedon - 2006-06-12

            That's the problem. If using from the top toolbar ORM designer is not listed.

            If included into the sln, ORM designer is listed but doesn't convert.


            • Kevin M. Owen

              Kevin M. Owen - 2006-06-12

              What happens when it is included in the sln and you choose ORM Designer? Does it still open in the XML editor?

    • ted creedon

      ted creedon - 2006-06-12

      Actually if the Visio.xml file is included it the solution and then open with>ORM Designer it displays a blank tab named Visio.xml.

      I can't see any data in any of the ORM browsers, etc.


      • Kevin M. Owen

        Kevin M. Owen - 2006-06-12

        Hmm, something would seem to be not working correctly.

        Try opening the Visio.xml file in Studio's regular XML editor. Then, from the "XML" menu, choose "Show XSLT Output". It should prompt you whether you want to specify a stylesheet. Click yes, and browse to the "VisioToCoreModelImport.xslt" file.
        Studio should then run the transform again your model file, and open the result in a new document window. What does the result like? Is it empty?

    • ted creedon

      ted creedon - 2006-06-12

      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

      is in the new window. BTW Visio.xml is not under the ORMModel1.orm tree; its a peer.


      • Kevin M. Owen

        Kevin M. Owen - 2006-06-12

        In the Visio.xml file, what does the second line say? It should be something like "Generated by Orthogonal Toolbox (<version number>)"...

    • ted creedon

      ted creedon - 2006-06-12


      It works. It was the old rev of the Orth Toolbox that caused the problem.

      Thanks ever so much.


      • ted creedon

        ted creedon - 2006-06-12

        Can the Visio be brought in page by page?

        I have a large diagram generated by reverse engineering.


        • Kevin M. Owen

          Kevin M. Owen - 2006-06-12

          At the current time, probably not.
          As far as I know, Visio treats all the pages as part of a single model, and Orthogonal Toolbox only exports that backend model information, not the diagram, paging, and layout information.


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