Brian Nalewajek - 2007-05-07


Seems like a good time for an update report on the NORMA framework and tool project.

Since the March CTP, things have been rather quite on these boards (though I expect quite busy at Neumont).  I've also noted a good deal of NORMA and ORM 2 related posts on the information_modeling site/list.  My guess is that both the project, and the team members are being pulled in  various directions. 

Can someone from the team give an idea of current status of the NORMA project, and what direction it will take in the near term?  Even a tentative time line for expected feature implementation and CTP release dates would be helpful.

One important question concerns the degree of focus that will be put on refining the current tool implementation, and to what degree emphasis will be placed on restructuring the framework, to provide a more comprehensive tool system in the future.

Such status reports and projections help us in our own agendas, and help us present to others the promise we see for this project.