
i18n of verbalization in NORMA and reports

Jos Bol
  • Jos Bol

    Jos Bol - 2008-02-26


    I just downloaded and tested the VS 2008 version of NORMA and it works great! I'm especially glad with the realtime visualization of the relation model: a lot better than VEA.

    Since my models are either in Dutch or in Portguese (Brazil), the verbalization isn't very pretty due to the mixture of either language and English. Is there a way to translate both the verbalizations used in the verbalization pane and the reports? I found the XML file with the verbalizations and the documentation on it, but it does not mention how to choose the proper language in Visual Studio and it seems to apply only to the html reports.

    With kind regards,
    Jos Bol

    • Matthew Curland

      Matthew Curland - 2008-02-26

      To verbalize in a different language (or customize verbalizations for English)
      1) In the NORMAINSTALLDIR\Xml\Verbalization\Core directory, copy the _default.xml file to Brazil.xml (file name doesn't matter)
      2) Edit the file. First change the language to "en-US" value to "pt-br" (in the Language element)
      3) Change the description attribute to "Default Portugese" (in the Snippets attribute). Note that you can leave the name="_default" as long as the language is not en-US
      4) Edit your snippets
      5) Do the same exercise with _default.xml files in other directories under Verbalization

      Note that the _default.xml is not loaded, it is there for documentation only. You do not have to redefine all of the snippets, just the changed ones.

      Now, inside Visual Studio:
      1) On the Tools/Options dialog, choose 'ORM Designer'. Open the dropdown in the 'Alternate Verbalization Text' field in the Verbalization category.
      2) Choose the snippets you want to verbalize with for each section

      Note that the verbalization engine currently assumes a gender-free language, so languages that change qualifiers based on gender are not yet handled. For example, you can say safely use 'each' in English for both man and person, but German uses 'Jeder Mann' and 'Jede Person'. We would require lexicons for each language to enable this level of support. This is something we will consider eventually, but not in the near future.

      Note that you do not need to restart VS to reload changes to your snippets, but I don't have a file watch on the current snippets files so you'll need to reload. To make changes and reload:
      1) Switch the chosen verbalization back to default
      2) Make sure something verbalizes
      3) Switch back to your edited file to force a reload


    • Jos Bol

      Jos Bol - 2008-02-27

      Hi Matt, thanks for the detailed fast response!

      Portuguese and Dutch both have genders, but as far as I am concerned its a minor issue since the grammar and spell check of Word will correct most of it I guess. Would you be interessted in the translations btw?

      With kind regards,
      Jos Bol

      • Kevin M. Owen

        Kevin M. Owen - 2008-02-27

        We would definitely be interested in any translations, and would be happy to include them in future NORMA releases if you wanted to contribute them.


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