
Problems building on Mac OSX

  • Brian Janes

    Brian Janes - 2009-11-04

    I am getting this when I try to build on my Mac:

        gcc -dynamiclib -pipe  -Os -Wall -Wno-implicit-int -fno-common   -prebind -headerpad_max_install_names -Wl,-search_paths_first  -Wl,-single_module -o libOratcl4.5.dylib oratcl.o oralob.o oralong.o oralogon.o oralogoff.o oraopen.o oraclose.o oracommit.o oraroll.o oraautocom.o orainfo.o oramsg.o oraconfig.o oradesc.o orabreak.o oraparse.o orabind.o oraexec.o orafetch.o orasql.o oraplexec.o orabindexec.o  -L/System/Library/Frameworks/Tcl.framework/Versions/8.4 -ltclstub8.4
        ld: duplicate symbol _OCI_EnvCreate in oralong.o and oratcl.o
        collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
        make: ***  Error 1

    The INSTALL file says for building on the Mac to refer to the "mac" directory, which doesn't exist.  Anyone have any ideas?

  • Brian Janes

    Brian Janes - 2009-11-06

    Ok, so I got the compile to go by:

    First, adding "extern" to all OCIs in generic/oratclTypes.h, for example:

        extern OCIENVCREATE     OCI_EnvCreate;

    Second, creating a new file and including it in the build, the contents of which are:

        #include "oratclInt.h"
        #include "oratclTypes.h"
        OCIENVCREATE    OCI_EnvCreate;

    and so forth for each OCI that is found in generic/oratclTypes.h.


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