
import & export error

  • teresa

    teresa - 2009-06-19


    i have the following:

    System Environment

    * OrangeHRM : 2.4.2
    * PHP : 5.2.8
    * MySQL Client : 4.1.22
    * Memory limit : 128M
    * Maximum session lifetime : 1440

    when i do the "define custom import or export" also for the export and import i get the following error from the log:

    46264 June 18, 2009, 5:16 pm MySQL Query Error
    Thu, 18 Jun 2009 17:16:57 +0800 : Error :\nMySQL Query Error : SELECT import_id , name , fields , has_heading FROM hs_hr_custom_import \nTech Info

    i believed the problem is with the word fields, any one can help me please...

    please help..


    • Mafaz Mazeen

      Mafaz Mazeen - 2009-08-14

      what are the filed that you attempted to import.
      just mentioned the columns names in the CSV.
      Also mentioned what is the error you are getting from the front end.

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-08-13

    I've just searched the forum for a problem I'm having and this thread seems like exactly the same thing I'm getting.

    From a fresh installation (, all four of the Import and Export options give an error similar to -

    MySQL Query Error : SELECT export_id , name , fields , headings FROM hs_hr_custom_export ORDER BY name ASC and I believe it's because 'name' and 'fields' are reserved mysql keywords. However, I'm not sure why more people haven't had this problem so I wonder if there's something I'm doing wrong?

    Here are my other settings -
    * OrangeHRM :
    * PHP : 5.2.9
    * MySQL Client : 4.1.22
    * Memory limit : 128M
    * Maximum session lifetime : 1440

    Can anyone help?

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-12-17

    thanks for your input