
Error:Your are not authorize to view this pag

  • Mafaz Mazeen

    Mafaz Mazeen - 2010-03-08

    I tried to install OrangeHRM in gpreneur.The installation was succesfully completed.Before installation i created a database named adpreneu_dhrms in cpaneland added a user adpreneu_adminhr(with all previliges)to the database.The username for Admin is admin and password as admin while installation.The problem is when i log in as admin im not able to access the Admn module.Whatever menu item in Admin module i click it displays the message:Your are not authorize to view this page.


    I'll be grateful if anyone helps me to fix this problem…please send your reply to this email

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-08-13

    Did you try with different browsers, I could not reproduce the issue. I will further check and let you know.

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-08-13

    You have to set register globals to OFF in you php.ini file

  • Arnold De Souza

    Arnold De Souza - 2010-12-29

    Did you try with different browsers, I could not reproduce the issue. I will further check and let you know.