Let's you stream your Oracle table/query data to Amazon-S3 from Windows CLI (command line).
Streams Oracle table data to Amazon-S3.
No need to create CSV extracts before upload to S3.
Data stream is compressed while upload to S3.
No need for Amazon AWS CLI.
Works from your OS Windows desktop (command line).
It's executable (Oracle_To_S3_Uploader.exe) - no need for Python install.
It's 64 bit - it will work on any vanilla DOS for 64-bit Windows.
AWS Access Keys are not passed as arguments.
Written using Python/boto/PyInstaller.
Stream (upload) Oracle table data to Amazon-S3.
How it works
Tool connects to source Oracle DB and opens data pipe for reading.
Data is pumped to S3 using multipart upload.
Optional upload to Reduced Redundancy storage (not RR by default).
Optional "make it public" after upload (private by default)
If doesn't, bucket is created
You can control the region where new bucket is created
Streamed data can be tee'd (dumped)
- upload to S3
- Extract from Oracle
- stream data to AWS
- low touch