
oracle-jutils / News: Recent posts

Now able to 7zip-compress BLOBs !!!

Correction in install_oracle-jutils.sql : the path to cacerts was not correct dur to bad copy paste.
Finally added LZMA/7zip compression (and uncompression) functions. From now, it is possible to compress BLOB into the well known 7z format and hence save a lot of space with a very efficient algorithm. I'll try to find time to make a benchmark between zip compression (Level 9), Oracle 11g secured file storage COMPRESS (and COMPRESS HIGH) and LZMA algorithm (dictonary size fixed to 22).
I have used the 7zip LZMA SDK v4.65... read more

Posted by AdrienS 2009-05-23

Now able to 7zip-compress BLOBs !!!

Correction in install_oracle-jutils.sql : the path to cacerts was not correct dur to bad copy paste.
Finally added LZMA/7zip compression (and uncompression) functions. From now, it is possible to compress BLOB into the well known 7z format and hence save a lot of space with a very efficient algorithm. I'll try to find time to make a benchmark between zip compression (Level 9), Oracle 11g secured file storage COMPRESS (and COMPRESS HIGH) and LZMA algorithm (dictonary size fixed to 22).
I have used the 7zip LZMA SDK v4.65... read more

Posted by AdrienS 2009-05-23

XMPP enhanced with batch sending

JDBMS_XMPP : Upgraded package with batch send procedures. For now, from a single XMPP session, you can send a same message to a list of recipients. The recipient list can be provided as a comma-separated NVARCHAR2 value or from a cursor in case you would like to send messages to a set of people that you have in a personal table. Have a look at JDBMS_XMPP screenshots for more details. Having a look at test_JDBMS_XMPP.sql will also show you how to perform these batch send operations.... read more

Posted by AdrienS 2009-05-17

New Release : Included Jacksum for a wide range of checksums

Since today, you have the power of JackSum accessible from sql. You can compute checksum on BLOBs, or on files, and also to list supported algorithms from relational operators. Have a look to screenshots and test scripts for more !

Posted by AdrienS 2009-05-10

New release and JDBMS_XMPP created

Here we go, finally, the first release of JDBMS_XMPP. There still is a lot of work to perform but as soon as now, you will be able to send Instant Messages and report your Contacts/Rosters from sql. Batch message sending has not yet been implemented, but it will.
JDBMS_XMPP becomes the maintained version of oracle-xmpp.
Nice screenshots have been provided on the website. Have a look at them to make your own opinion.
I wanted to provide a first version, i hope you'll enjoy it. Your feedback is of course welcome.... read more

Posted by AdrienS 2009-05-03


Completed JDBMS_COMPRESS package with the UNZIP_BLOB_ZIPENTRY_TO_BLOB. Now, if you have a zip archive in a BLOB, you are able to extract a given Entry in the BLOB straight in a BLOB. Test case has been provided in the test_JDBMS_COMPRESS.sql file. The test is very easy to perform.

Posted by AdrienS 2009-04-18

New Release !

Added pipelined function that makes possible to access a zip BLOB content description from a simple TABLE function. Have a look at screenshots for more details.

Posted by AdrienS 2009-04-14

Added first JDBMS_COMPRESS version

Just added JDBMS_COMPRESS package to zip/unzip BLOBs on the fly. Screenshots have been added in the documentation. Have a look at the Website for more details and examples. Still stuff to perform on the zip functions before to work on other algorithms.

Posted by AdrienS 2009-04-05

Mime types package added

I've added the JDBMS_MIMETYPES package that allows to get Mime Type straight from a BLOB or an OS file, still from sqlplus*.I've used Java Mime Magic Library. More screenshots have been added.

Posted by AdrienS 2009-03-22

First Release

First release includes a first version of JDBMS_LOB and JDBMS_CHECKSUM packages

Posted by AdrienS 2009-03-21