
OpenUnderwriter 3.0 Early Access 1 is release

The OpenUnderwriter team are excited to announce the availability of OpenUnderwriter 3.0EA1. Following on from the success of version 2.2, this latest release further refines and expands the software's feature set. The focus, as always, is delivering innovative software that allows Insurance organisations to deliver results quickly and efficiently. Details of the changes can be found on the project wiki (link below).

Be warned that this is an Early Access release. If you are unsure what that means then please refer to wiki page here:

We thrive on your comments, as do all open source projects, and we invite you to add your comments on the project to the "Ratings and Reviews" section of the project's sourceforge home page:

Details about this and other releases can be found on the project wiki here:

Posted by Richard Anderson 2015-10-02

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