

Andreas Vlachidis

Welcome to OPTIMA pipeline wiki!

The wiki pages present the JAPE grammars of OPTIMA in Linked Data pattern catalogue format (

The grammars are grouped under the following pipeline phases:
1. [Preprocess Phase]
2. [Prototype Phase]:
3. [NER Disambiguation Phase]:
4. [NER Conjunction Phase]:
5. [NER Negation Detection]:
6. [RE Time-Place]:
7. [RE Time-Physical Object]:
8. [RE Physical Object-Place]:
9. [RE Physical Object-Material]:


Wiki: NER Conjunction Phase
Wiki: NER Disambiguation Phase
Wiki: NER Negation Detection
Wiki: Preprocess Phase
Wiki: Prototype Phase
Wiki: RE Physical Object-Material
Wiki: RE Physical Object-Place
Wiki: RE Time-Physical Object
Wiki: RE Time-Place