
Better example for use as a library

  • sharkbite404

    sharkbite404 - 2015-02-15

    Opt4J looks like a great library and exactly what I need for a multi-objective problem. However, I can't get it to run in Java using the existing documentation. Could you please post a complete and working example for the latest version that shows how to run the HelloWorld and TravelingSalesman tutorials from within Java? I want to run the examples and get the answers. I don't need the details of the run, only the answers. Inline comments in the example that explain why certain things need to be done would also help. Thank you.

  • Martin Lukasiewycz

    Thanks for your comment! I assume you refer to the tutorial at:

    Could you please explain what you mean by "However, I can't get it to run in Java using the existing documentation."? - Did you copy the code from Sec. 4 of the tutorial, do you get an exception?



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