
Search/Filter on phone layout

  • Carlson W. Filho

    I am using XavaPro. When I enter a module, I don't have the option to search, like I have on desktop. Are there any plans to develop this?

  • Javier Paniza

    Javier Paniza - 2017-04-20

    Hi Carlson:

    Yes, the search in mobile UI is not implement yet. We plan to add it for future releases, but not for the coming 5.7.

  • Federico Alcantara

    Hi Carlson,

    We have implemented a filter for mobile. Check and see if that is what you want.


  • Carlson W. Filho

    Hi Federico!
    I liked your solution, but I was thinking about something even simpler. Just one text input with a search button that will filter using the first field of my list. But I really liked the way you did: much more powerful!


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