
Help in Windows 10 not working.

  • Joe Karlo D. Seva

    I had just installed Open Workbench on Windows 10 and had tried to open the help file to learn how to use it, but instead of the Help, Firefox open a site for me to download WinHelp32.exe ( ). Sad to say Windows 10 is not included in the list of Operating Systems, it's only up to Windows 8.1. Had tried to Download and install the one that's for Windows 7 as Windows 10 is somewhat similar to Window 7, but the authentication process wont allow me to install it.

    Is there a way we could have the help file function or that is be able to open the help in Windows 10?

    Thank you very much.

  • Joe Karlo D. Seva

    Never mind guys, I had seen a solution to this on Windows Site. The site address is ( and I followed the answer of Alan Copp on August 15, 2915 (found on this site) which worked well. His post out there is herein copied and pasted bellow, well just in case someone might have the same problem.

    Here is a solution (thanks to Komeil Bahmanpour):

    Go to his site:


    I needed a solution in order to get help working for Delphi Studio Architect on Windows 10.
    Komeil's install.cmd file didn't work as is (its pre Win10) so I simply modified it.
    Unpack the download (Install.cmd, winhlp32.exe, winhlp32.exe.mui) to a new directory. Edit the install.cmd and add the following two lines to the 'settings' section:

    set WindowsVersion=7
    goto :BypassVersionError

    (yes, 'WindowsVersion=7' is correct.) Save the file and execute as administrator.
    All should go without error. Delphi help, and every other help file I've tried, now works exactly as it should!

  • martink

    martink - 2016-08-13

    I have no problem using WinHelp32.exe downloaded years ago on a 32 bit Win 10 PC without any setup or configuration and then opening the OWB 1.1.6 help.
    The option is to get a new version of OWB from ITDesign
    That has HTLM help, though it has no Reference.
    CA PPM user community is more active than this site and there are also discussio threads on OWB.
    Another OWB site is


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