
OpenUSS 1.3.5 Build

OpenUSS 1.3.5 Build from cvs is now finished!

Here are the steps:
- Checkout the most update codes from CVS. There are
some additional files, dirs, etc.
Checkout both: openuss and pow modules!
- Download the ext-libs from:

- Unzip this file into your openuss/ext-libs !and! pow/ext-libs.
You need this on both openuss and pow!
- Build openuss -> see openuss/build-how-to.txt
- Build pow -> see pow/build-how-to.txt
- Run openuss -> see openuss/install.txt

All new stuffs can be seen in the readme.txt. Not all features
are already implemented.

Have a lot of fun!
Lofi Dewanto.

Posted by Lofi Dewanto 2003-05-30

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