The aim of this Open Source Project is the development of a SVG viewer for mobile devices, like PDAs or cell phones.
This statement means that we should care a lot about the SVG specification. In particular, our guide must be, for now, the Mobile SVG Recommendation from the W3C. This recommendation is spitted in two different profiles, one for PDAs and another for cell phones. This is a must read documentation for this project. We should work on the SVG Basic specification, with the possibility to generate a stripped version with only the SVG Tiny features. The W3C document is available at

When committing new code, please test it carefully, because others will deploy on top of it. Try to solve one problem (completely) each time.

Each of us must use the online SVG Test Suite, in particular, the SVG 1.1 Basic Test Suite. It helps a lot to improve the viewer. Ill create a list with all tests, and the conformance of the viewer for each test.

Comments are welcome to this list.

Best regards for everybody,

Jorge Gustavo Rocha