
#330 Time Limit donot run correctly when setup time overcome 24h


Hi all,

I setup time of "After fixed time" of Stop stask group is 36h. If I return back GUI to check it, its value is 12:00:00 and the OpenSTA will run test in 12h.

Any people meet the above problem as me, please help me.

Thank you in advance


  • Bernie Velivis

    Bernie Velivis - 2007-10-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I encounter this problem frequently. Using a single task group, I run a one hour test where I introduce users in batches of N/4 users with ramp up time of 5 minutes and time between batches of 10 minutes. At the end of one hour, most of the VUs are stopped, but very often I seen from 1 to 3 VUs "stuck" which prevents the test from ending properly. Stopping the test manually (black square button in Commander) terminates the test, but half the time the HTTP* reports (e.g. HTTP monitored bytes/sec) graphs do not appear in the test results.

  • Bernie Velivis

    Bernie Velivis - 2007-10-17

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Further investigation shows there are two distinct issues with time limits;
    1) Occasionally when time limit expires, VU count drops to the single digits but the task group and subsequently the test does not end.
    2) When setting time limit > 23, it is set to the new number modulo 24. (e.g. 24 become 0, 25 becomes 1, etc.)


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