
#308 Starting Test fails with TestManager.exe failure


I'm not 100% sure what causes this but it seems to
mostly happen when a network has gone away and come
back or the IP address has changed.

The error is simply that when starting a Test from the
Commander the start will fail and the Microsoft dialog
"TestManager.exe has encountered a problem and needs to
close ..." appears. Clicking for more details shows
that the omniorb304_rt.dll was involved as was winsock
- more evidence that this is basically a network issue.

Once this has happened you should be able to restart
the Commander and the NameServer, the Test will
probably then work fine if your network is stable again.


  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    Logged In: YES

    More information on the actual circumstance of this error
    required. I currently can't reproduce this problem at will.

  • Daniel Sutcliffe

    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • Ken MacLauchlan

    Ken MacLauchlan - 2007-01-02

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I get the same error every time I start to run a script after a fresh reboot. After seeing the error once I am unable to start another test as the play button is greyed out.

    Scripts that work on other OpenSTA installations produce the same results.

    My machine is a Toshiba A10 laptop running WinXP SP2.

    Disabling my firewall does not help.

    As I can recreate this at will can you let me know what information I should upload and I will do so ASAP.


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